Brown: Thoughts on the "Optional" Video Introduction

Has anyone here been accepted to Brown in recent years without submitting the Video Introduction? Or is this an optional-but-not-really-optional part of the application?

My son is very camera-shy and is really resistant to the idea of filming the 2 minute video. But he really is interested in Brown. It’s due Jan 9 so the clock is ticking. Perspectives on this would be welcome!

My son was admitted without it.


My camera-shy DD opted for doing mostly voice over. It came out very nicely. I think this is an easy win - A for effort. My position was do it and not wonder “what if you had” after.


This is my position as well. Just hoping to encourage him to adopt the same mindset!

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How long did it take to produce the video introduction?

It is not meant/needed/expected to be produced. Focus being earnest and sharing something new about yourself instead.

My kid submitted a video but never appeared “live” in it. He walked around his HS and asked people what they thought Brown needed to know about him. The answers were all over the place and deliberately in many cases tongue in cheek.

For example a good friend that was also applying to Brown said my kid is by far the second best candidate amongst many looking to attend Brown and then proceeded to toot his own horn. A lunch room employee mentioned how methodical he was given he would eat the same thing every day. A group shout out from teammates of “let him in” interrupted by one kid saying who is this for. Intermixed with sincere teacher, coach and staff comments about why they thought he was deserving and photos of him doing various stuff on campus.

It was by no means professionally done just snippets. At the end he signed off with a thank you for the kind words.

Him and the buddy in the video both were accepted. Good luck but I would try and submit one. Not worth missing out on a chance to distinguish one self.

Edit: FYI it was 5 years ago and we are in the Northeast. If you want to use the idea go for it I am sure it wasn’t unique and it’s the content that matters.


How clever! Happy it worked out for your son and his buddy.

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What a brilliant and simple idea! I would have admitted your student without hesitation!

This one made me LOL!


This is too funny! Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

My daughter did the intro video. She talked about what theater means to her. Nothing too fancy. She added a music track–a recognizable tune from her last big role–and also added in a few photos of herself on stage. If someone is just not into being on camera, then I can’t imagine this is a make-or-break thing.

My son did end up doing the video in the end. It was neither the worst nor best video ever :sweat_smile: but we agreed it was important to do it. Thanks for all the feedback here!


May I ask if he was admitted?