<p>Has anyone heard back yet? If not, do you guys think there is a date we should all expect to hear back? And does anyone know how they inform us? Thanks!</p>
<p>I was actually wondering the same thing! (It feels like I’ve been waiting for such a long time, even though I know it’s only been a month and a half…) I know that on their website they say that we should hear back at the end of January, but I spoke with someone from admissions a while ago (towards the beginning of the month) who said “end of January, beginning of February” ( I wasn’t too thrilled about the “beginning of February” business). Well, since it was getting towards the end of January (and I was getting more and more anxious) I called the admissions office today asking about around when we should get the results… I probably shouldn’t have done that, but the lady who answered was very nice about it. She said that we should know by the end of this week! So I’m really excited… and worried at the same time. Now that the results seem so close, I’m not so sure I want them anymore :(</p>
<pre><code>I think that they will mostly contact us through virtual Bryn Mawr, and snail mail. Also, many people on this forum say that they got a phone call, so that should be exciting! Good luck mstudent27!
<p>wow, @ralenys: you wrote a really long post and thank you for your info and that phone call ^^</p>
<p>i am waiting for ED II decision too=) I know last year the result came out around 28th, which is the coming Friday this year…some people said they received emails notifying them changes on virtual Bryn Mawr, which they then logged on to view the decisions. (perhaps phone calls/emails are differences btw U.S. people and internationals)</p>
<p>wish all of us good luck</p>
<p>I just logged on VBM as I usually do. I also got an email from the Admissions Office… US residents got a phone call (I’m not, so I didn’t get one).</p>
<p>If you’re international, a FedEx package with the official letter and other stuff, including a poster, arrives in 3-4 working days. US residents got their official letter via snail mail, and their mailing included financial aid information, a DVD and other what not. Their poster only arrived later though.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Has anyone heard anything? I thought today would be the day!</p>
<p>ACCEPTED!!! I got a call from Anne Louie one hour ago! I still can’t believe it… I keep on refreshing virtual bryn mawr and my admission status hasn’t been updated yet (should I be worried?) but I can actually see the estimated aid! (My mom was very happy when she saw how much Bryn Mawr could [potentially] offer as aid) Ahhhh I would HATE it if the universe were playing some cruel joke on me and the phone call was an accident, and the financial aid thing was an accident… and…</p>
<p>AHHHHHHHHHHH! I got in!!!
thx ralenys for the info about the financial aid~~~~~~so I checked my financial aid first before the cong letter came in my email box=)</p>
<p>I am so excited and so are my parents,hahahahahahhhhhhh</p>
I’m so happy for you minievie!!!</p>
<p>Congratulations! Join our facebook page!</p>
<p>My mom dreamed that the offer came in her dream last night. Honestly, I thought the resultes won’t come by feburary. But my mom opened my mail box when I was asleep this morning and Told me her dream was true!</p>
<p>I am so excited!
Great to hear from all the new BMC students:) lol</p>
<p>My email <a href="mailto:xzymaggie@hotmail.com">xzymaggie@hotmail.com</a></p>
<p>Ha, I am an international student, great info on package thing:) by the way, what is the approximate overall cost per year for bmc. 57000?I am not sure yet.</p>
<p>You didn’t apply for financial aid? Well, that makes two of us…</p>
<p>I’ve received an e-mail telling me about the ED ADMITTED STUDENTS CHAT,instead of any official e-mail informing me about the admission result. I’ve also noticed an Aid package instead of anythiong else on virtual Bryn Mawr, does it mean I am admitted?Anyone’s in the same situation with me?
BTW, I’m an International student and I haven;t received a Fedex yet~~</p>
<p>Yes,you are admitted.</p>
<p>@Hermosa: haha, i suppose it’s the same situation for all international students^^</p>
<p>congratulations~~~You are IN=)</p>
<p>& @xyzmaggie: I guess the total fee is around 55k</p>
<p>Oh, let me clarify something - I didn’t get an official email telling me I was admitted. That email was basically a “congratulations! there’s a facebook page for this group, go and join it!” email.</p>
<p>There will be an official message on VBM… you might have to scroll down a little on the Student Center page. You’ll need to pay the deposit, after all.</p>
<p>xyzmaggie; tuition, room & board, college fees for 2010-2011 = $ 51,780. I don’t know yet what the tuition/fees will be for upcoming year. Huge congratulations to all Bryn Mawr ED admits!!!</p>
<p>Thank you:) I am attending,lol Are u a current student?</p>
<p>Me, no, just a mum of a freshman at Bryn Mawr!</p>