NMH has a special rule to curb senioritis which I hear was enforced last week (oops!) Any senior with a violation in the last month of school, even if it is a first violation, is immediately sent home and not allowed to walk with his or her classmates at graduation; diplomas are issued through the mail. I don’t believe colleges are notified however (unless and I am guessing here, it was a very big oopsie) As they say at NMH orientation every year - “Don’t be that kid!” <:-P
My concern (and impetus for asking) is less about discipline issues/rules infractions and more about general laziness. I know if I were to get into a school early, my nature would probably be to slack off precipitously…
@SevenDad , having to sit for the IB exams can curb that tendency. I’ve known kids who were accepted to schools abroad on the condition that their IB score was X or above. Talk about pressure!
I think by the time most kids are seniors, the work ethic is so ingrained and homework so automatic that the majority are not really at risk of majorly blowing off everything. They have already drunk the Koolaid. I would think it is more common for kids to slack off just enough for their grades to drop from a plus to a minus rather than a major melt down?
In my kid’s LPS, if you are a senior and maintain an A average in a (non-AP/DE) class, then you don’t have to take the final. For a certain type of kid, that is a pretty good incentive!
Soooo… How was graduation for everyone? Fortunately, last Saturday was a gorgeous day, and it was quite the event… lovely and so bittersweet. The next morning, I was sitting outside our hotel having coffee when it really hit me that I’m not going back for Parents Weekend in the fall… and I likely won’t be seeing most of my parent friend group from school again… and that made me sad. I will really miss everyone there! But I am ever so grateful for everything that we have both been given by way of her wonderful BS experience.
Graduation is tomorrow. Bittersweet for sure.
Congrats to all of you and your great kiddos!!
On to the next chapter.
I have been on CC through our entire journey. I am greatful for the comraderie and the much needed guidance.
All the best for the future, @HailuMu !
All the best to all of you and your kids! This marks the end of an amazing chapter – and with such a mix of emotions. I felt as a parent and middle-aged person, much more than the kids, what a gift it had been to be in a loving, inspirational community constantly surrounded by friends and optimism for 4 years. The kids were tearful in their good-byes but probably won’t appreciate until they are many years down the road just how charmed their lives were for those years in the “bubble”.
How is everyone doing during this transition summer?
Has anyone heard from @cameo43 lately?
@cameo43 is swamped right now and will rejoin us when she can.
Thank you, @ChoatieMom … I’m happy to hear she is busy and well.
DD had room selection for next year today. It is done by lottery and her spot was late into room selection. This has not been a fun process! But, it worked out well enough…
Little update…
Looking forward to DD finishing finals and coming home for a much needed break, though I am not sure how she will fill her many days off in January. No winter term (Jan term?) classes offered fit her needs. Luckily she has some babysitting lined up.
Freshman year was pretty rough for dd figuring out where she fit socially and how to organize her time (though academically, it was great!) This year has been so much smoother and happier!
I hope soph year has been good to your kiddos as well!
Hello! Glad to hear that this year has been smoother for DD @carpoolingma.
S1 also has a long winter break for about a month. He worked for Wendy’s on campus this semester, maybe he will find another place to work or maybe play for a pro gameteam for a month or do both.
Holy smokes! Hard to believe it’s been almost 2 years since DD graduated from Cate. She’s a soph at Penn and enjoying Philly but will be abroad for her entire junior year at University of Melbourne in Australia. She is still close with all her BS friends. We are still thankful every day for the experiences and opportunities that she had at Cate
@TheStig: Yay! Sounds like your daughter’s doing great!
I have to concur. Time is flying by at warp speed…