BS Class of 2020 Thread

Mine has been gone since August 14th! Pre-season for a week and she just finished her second week of school. This second time around seems a little bit more rough. I enjoyed having her home this summer so much, sending her back was kind of tough! She is already in the swing of things of course. Loves most of her classes, loves being with her friends, and she killed it at their first volleyball game yesterday! I’m excited for Parent’s Weekend since it’s really the only time I make it out there seeing that it’s a 19 hour drive and airfare isn’t cheap!

congrats @RuralAmerica !

@doschicos We both have skype but never used it to talk to each other. Just text. Maybe because we homeschooled her until BS and had plenty of face to face time, maybe because I am a man and my wife meditates. We don’t find it difficult to not see her face for a while.

I survived drop off yesterday without shedding a tear! I guess it does get easier. He has already texted me 4 different times with things he need.

9 hour (with layover) journey home and no tears here either. Yet.

Dropped off dd at our local airport. She grows up and changes so fast.

I know this is kind of a silly thing to mention, but when we arrived home today from dropping off AppleKid at school we found the very first college mailing. I feel like it’s a bit of a milestone. Even though I’ve learned here that the kids end up getting swamped with these things and that they really don’t signify any specific interest in the student. :smiley:

@AppleNotFar – I know what you mean. It’s as if the colleges know. . . but I guess I am complicit in that I’ve scheduled a college tour for over the Fall Long Weekend already. LOL. Done early this time around as we tried to get DC1 on a Cal Berkeley tour a few days ahead of this and they were “Booked for the next six months.”

When did going to college become like this?

“Booked for the next six months”

I had no idea.

Chimneykid 2.0 got a credit card offer this week. Winning! Lol

@itcannotbetrue I just booked a tour too. Yikes!!

^Where, @AppleNotFar?

@GoatMama We gave the kid a handful of schools to pick one from. I’ll pm you.

We are putting off tours until the spring or summer…or maybe even next fall.
Though this is the second kid, he is very different than the other. I’m not sure where to start! lol

DD texted on Monday: “I got 6 hours of homework on the first day of school, aka syllabus day. Looks like first day back is gonna be a late night.”

We are touring a few NYC area schools. Keeps me from 1) Shopping for yet more “Needed” items over the Fall Long Weekend in Manhattan; 2) Spending money on another Theatre Show; 3) DD from cruising The Big Apple with her school friends sans parental guidance. LOL

@SculptorDad --Yep. Believe it. We ended up walking around the Cal campus on our own. The whole “Tours booked for months out phone call” at Cal really stressed me out!

I think I will let the CCC Honors program facilitate the rest of the tours for DK1–especially these crazy-popular UC tours.

Not sure where you are in CA, but there is a CCC Honors program Transfer College Fair here in Southern California next month. I was amazed at the transfer opportunities available to these kids for simply being an honors student with a good GPA at a CCC. I seem to remember you said that prior to Junior Boarding School your daughter was in a community college Honors program? Maybe that is a good place to head back to vs. straight to a UC to capitalize on this program. PM me if you want further details.


CCC honors program are creme on the top in many CCC, especially those that attract highly qualified and motivated but wanting to save on tuition. But honors courses are not that common and absolutely not necessary. Just having a high CCC GPA would probably enough, unless you want to transfer to a top UC with Computer Science, in which case everything can help.

What’s equally important is having IGETC and major prep courses completed.

DD is applying to transfer to UC Campuses as an art major this November so that she can move to college junior after this year at her BS as a sophomore. For her it was a choice between academics and art, and a compromise. As a transfer at UC, she will mostly take art courses with a few art history courses to get a bachelor’s degree in two years.

She got 60+ CCC credits, including 10 major prep courses, before starting BS, with nearly all A’s. So she is in a strong position. She may fail of courses, especially if they think her going back to high school after college disqualifies her status as a transfer applicant. If that happens, she can either continue her BS, or go back to CCC for another year before trying to transfer again. She can continue her BS even if she gets in to a UC campus. We will see. It’s all up to her.

@SculptorDad . Wonderful to have so many choices!

The program I am referring to is called the Honors Transfer Council of California. It is a specialized program that has matriculation/priority admission agreements with many competitive liberal arts colleges. I encourage your family to check it out :slight_smile:

@itcannotbetrue, Thanks. I see. I never thought about it. For now UC is the choice because of her unique situation. But if she fails and end up going back to CCC for another year, we will defiantly try it.