BS Class of 2020 Thread

So, DD called me today and said she reconsidered about the early transfer to colleges. She won’t do it this year. She will rethink about her whole college and career path again next Summer. I am happy with that.

Oh and she seems is enjoying Grier a lot more than last year. I mean she overall enjoyed it last year. But now she is a sunshine from the beginning. I don’t see how as she claims that she has very little free time even in weekends because of heavy homework load. But everything sounds good.

This sound really good, @SculptorDad. You should probably expect more changing of mind in the next couple of years, but I consider this part of the process of growth and self-discovery. A supportive environment in which kids feel accepted and free to explore a variety of interests certainly helps.

Text fromAppleKid last night: “I’m nervous!” which was a reference to taking the PSAT today.

Since I’m pretty sure the kid knows it doesn’t “count”, my guess is that the kid fears that not getting a certain score will lead to a second round of mama-prep this summer as had been the case with the SSAT!

I almost feel badly >:)

Do other folks anticipate trying to get their kids to prep for the PSAT this summer? Will it depend on how your kids do today? I sure wish National Merit would be based on scores from our home state rather than scores in Massachusetts!

@AppleNotFar , private schools are in their own category, always the highest, unless that’s changed. No, DS did not prep for PSAT (and took in only once junior year.)

With that said, the way scheduling worked, I wish he’d done SAT prep in the summer before junior year. (That would serve as PSAT prep as well.)
Trying to squeeze it in during junior year winter was bad planning (and frankly, not terribly effective because there was no time to study between classes.) Fortunately, he was a good test taker, but for anyone, prep can boost a score! The list of things I wish we had done differently is not extensive, but this is on it!

^^ I can’t escape Massachusetts and the high scores. My son (not at BS and in 11th) and I were looking at the individual state scores last night in one of the prep books. I wondered to myself if some families literally and maybe just temporarily relocate to a state where the NMF scores hover at about 200.

Just got kiddo’s impressions of the test: “it wasn’t too bad, I think it was easier than the SSAT. I finished math 15 minutes early but the reading was definitely harder, all the questions seem pretty vague.”

I’m glad the kid got through the whole thing, and the math/reading disparity is in character for my child, but I have a feeling that the rush through the math is not a good omen.

@MAandMEmom - relocating to states with lower index probably would help with college admission too ;). My mom kept saying we should move to North Dakota so S17 would have a better chance at some schools (she was kidding about us moving).

S20 is taking PSAT on Saturday - he briefly looked at the booklet he got at school this week. Depending how he does, and when he plans to take SAT and what he’s doing next summer (just a few unknowns!) he’ll probably prep some. I want him to sign up for the QOTD from College Board, since that is a low key way to start prepping. After he gets PSAT scores back maybe he’ll do some Khan Academy.

Late to the PSAT party! But rightfully so as I am three hours behind :slight_smile:

D20 is taking the test on Saturday as well. No prep; going in cold. We’ll see what happens. Plans for SAT prep next Summer (confirmed by @gardenstategal’s comment–thank you for that), and with any luck, taking the new August date for SAT.

We are all about doing as much testing at home as possible!

We didn’t prep for my older daughter (now a Senior) but her 10th grade PSAT score was definitely a wake-up call LOL. What worked well for her was to take “serious” proctored tests (i.e. not at home with the kitchen timer) in March over Spring Break of 10th grade. One ACT, one SAT. Based on those results, she chose the one to study for over the summer. It was nice to have that decision out of the way before summer prep.

i like that @GMC2918

Good luck for those taking PSAT! Mine is taking SAT this November. There isn’t time for prep with busy BS schedule. But hopefully just taking it helps her to do better in her future PSAT and SAT.

DS took PSAT yesterday too. He said math was easy, reading was fine, grammar was a bit tricky. He has always been a good test taker…we will see.
He will prep over the summer for the PSAT/SAT. I think he will need just a few sessions with someone to go over grammar and the essay. Scores on the PSAT will help us with the approach.

Just signed AppleKid up for the SAT Math 2 subject test. The registration took a whole lot longer than I had anticipated. I did not opt in for the college search stuff–not quite ready to be getting a bunch of stuff from a bunch of different colleges. Or was that a bad move?

^^no, not a bad move. If you need material for your recycling bins in future, you can check that box it on a future test registration. …

thanks @gardenstategal

@AppleNotFar , did you use his school email, other email, or create a new email specifically for testing?
I just realized that ds will be on a trip out of the country for the June SAT which is when he was going to take the SAT Math 2 and Bio exams. Any thoughts on if they would have covered enough material in AP Bio and PreCalc by the SAT date in the beginning of May?

Funny you should bring that up, as that was an issue for us too! We had created a new email address intended for college athletic inquiries and the general search and application process, but AppleKid forgot it when taking the PSAT yesterday and supplied the school email address :-w When I created the account today with the college board I used the new address and I hope that won’t mess things up with regard to getting the PSAT score report.

The precalc question is specific to your school. My guess is probably.

AP Bio (or AP Chem or AP Physics) will not prepare for the Subject Tests. The Subject Tests cover HS material, while AP (aside from being college material) is more in depth and less broad than the Subject Test covers. If he has not already got a prep book, he should get one to figure out where the holes may be.

@skieurope So if AppleKid is taking AP Chem now, should the subject test be taken in January with the idea that studying (review) could be done over the winter break?

ETA: No January subject test date; my bad! Sorry. So is May the better date? But won’t that conflict with prep for the AP test?

Aside from that, I’m a believer that unless there is a huge extenuating circumstance, Subject Tests should be a one and done. So, I don’t advocate taking the test for practice. That’s what practice tests with a timer are for. :slight_smile: