BS Class of 2020 Thread

I have bought all those books above over the years, maybe twice, but they are nowhere to be found. :-/ I cannot even sell them back to Amazon unlike other AP prep books I sold.

DS2’s scores decreased by 20 pts. It can be erratic for high scorers. NMS is overrated anyway. :slight_smile:

My college freshman DS1 had a 100 pt gap between EBRW and Math.
DS2 has a 20 pt gap but the other way around.
I am attributing DS2’s high EBRW scores to “Maybe there is some utility to BS education after all.”

Finally saw his scores this morning and he didn’t do bad but he is definitely lopsided. 97th% in EBRW and 72nd% in math.

Curious if you found that PSATs alligned at all with SSATs…
(We did.)

PSATs and SSATs were both lower overall than SATs in our house (so far)

PSAT was way higher than the SSAT in EBRW. Math was the same on both, although I think it would also have been higher had she brought her calculator and actually finished the math section.

Better than SSAT but almost same with November SAT

Anyone worried for hypersomnia during the break?

I was just thinking about this. SwimKid woke up at 2:30pm today!!! At least I’m getting him up and out early tomorrow for a dr’s Appt.

I think it is good for them. Boarding school often results in too little sleep and a lot of stimulation. Let them be lazy and catch up while home.

I am positive my kid will not be able to fall asleep tonight and will wake up late for class tomorrow.

Someone tell me that I am not certifiable in scheduling college visits for 2020 kiddo. Also, how hard is it to 1) take final exams, 2) move out of your dorm, and 3) take an AP exam and two Subject Tests over move-out weekend in the Spring?

Makes me sweat just thinking about it :-S

@itcannotbetrue If you’re crazy, they can institutionalize us together! We’ve got two more lined-up for the winter long weekend and I’m working on a trip out to another part of the country for spring break. And there’s two more regions we want to get to by the end of the summer on top of several schools right in New England. If folks recall, we were really late to the BS search and I want to avoid that same panic and hastily patched-together road trip.

As for move-out weekend, can someone help with that part so the kid can focus just on the tests? I’m thinking that’s what we’ll need to do.

@itcannotbetrue APs are in May. This year from May 7-11 and 14-18 (which is early for HS exams/move out). SAT tests are May 5 and June 2. S took subject tests in May to avoid taking them move out/graduation weekend in June.

You’re not crazy @itcannotbetrue ! With a Class of 2018 kid going through the college process right now, “see more schools earlier” is one of the (many) things that I would do differently next time. Especially with kids in boarding school, it can be difficult to see a wide variety of colleges - urban/rural, large/small, north/south - before possibly committing to ED.

Are all of you talking about official college tours or just visiting campuses to scout them out on your own?

@MA2012, Clearly I have not looked at the College Board website since the PSAT scores were released; thank you for reminding me that AP test are earlier than move-out weekend! Will also check the schedule for the SAT Subject tests kid 2020 is planning on taking. . . Hopefully, at least one will be offered over the May weekend vs. the June weekend.

@AppleNotFar Thank you for joining me in the pink room ranks!!! And yes, @CaliPops, info session and tours, not casual drive/walk-by visits.

@MA2012 and now that there is an August SAT test date, that means subject tests can be taken then as well. As GMCkid2 is not a great test-taker, he may choose the summer date instead of during the school year. I’m wondering however, if he will even need to take any? My guess is that he will apply to LACs, which don’t seem to care as much.

We too are planning for the August test date. Since all you need is 2 great Sat 2 scores (maybe one more if applying to georgetown), why not do some additional prep in summer and get it done right at once instead of cramming it with end of year busyness.

As noted earlier, AP exams occur during the week while school is still in session. The May SAT dates are in early May. The June SAT date may be problematic with move-out. There was one year where I took Subject Tests in June and literally got off the plane and went jet-lagged to the test center. Ah, the ignorance one has as a teenager. :slight_smile:

This will be highly dependent upon the kid. Personally, I thought it was better to take at the end of the academic year, rather than doing prep over the summer, during which, quite frankly, I had better things to do.

" I’m wondering however, if he will even need to take any? My guess is that he will apply to LACs, which don’t seem to care as much."

Some LACs do care. Just look carefully at the list of schools of interest before completely passing.