BS Class of 2020 Thread

GoatKid '20 is taking 2 SAT Subject Tests at the end of her sophomore year (Chemistry and Math 2), doing SAT prep over the summer, and taking her first SAT on August 25 before junior year. (The SAT prep should also help with the PSAT in October.) She will take French with Listening SAT Subject Test in November of junior year.

@suzyQ7 Test date was 1/20.

It really depends on the kid.
For us, having the tests out of the way by Junior spring was a great relief.
DS’s have zero test anxiety and they test well. So I knew they did not need to wait till later for higher scores.
S2017 had 760/800/36 in math in Sophomore PSAT/Junior fall tests, and close to 700/31 in English/reading so he did not need much to improve.
S2019 had 1460 in Sophomore PSAT, so I expected him to be done with tests early as well.

@GoatMama I think you’re kiddo has already been in communication with some college coaches? How has the topic of standardized test scores been covered? AppleKid has a couple unofficial campus visits/coach meetings coming up (D3) and one reason we are anxious for an official score is so we can a better sense of which schools will be in academic range. Do you think it’s ok to tell the coaches about the preACT score just as a preliminary benchmark?

She has been using her 10th grade PSAT score in communications with coaches. I’m assuming it’s fine to use preACT scores in a similar manner. Coaches may be less familiar with them, though, since the preACT is a new thing. One of several reasons why my D is taking the SAT in August before junior year is to have a score in hand for athletic recruitment purposes.

Just dropped AppleKid at spring preseason training. Which means we’re going to miss birthday #16–it’s our first one apart ever. Much harder for me than for the kid though. I guess it’s how it should be. =((

@AppleNotFar --would that preseason training by chance be in Tampa? CBTkid (which clearly does not have the same ring as AppleKid) is there now, soaking up the sunshine.

While we didn’t miss a birthday, we definitely got shorted the second week of Spring break with our DC :frowning:

@itcannotbetrue Did you consider TrueKid?

AK is actually on the other side of the state, but how lucky for all of them!

Yeah I am not liking missing out on my kid’s second week of spring break. He is at preseason training in FL also.

DS is officially switching to boarding! He is very excited…

Is anyone else completely overwhelmed with the sheer number of colleges/universities there are to choose from? :-S

What? There are more than five? You don’t say! :wink:

Yes, there are around 3,000 of them in the U.S., yet people seem to be worried that their kids won’t somehow find a seat.

Have fun exploring all those great choices! :slight_smile:

Yes. There are 10: HYPMS and the lesser Ivys.

Ha!! We’re not looking at any of those…so I guess that leaves only about 2,990 to choose from! It’s just so overwhelming to figure out the best fit with so many. She’s definitely applying to West Point and UNC Chapel Hill, but after that I’m lost!

How about any of the other service academies @RuralMama ? I thought I read somewhere that the academies appreciate demonstrated interest in serving in any branch. @ChoatieMom ?

You’re joking, right?

@ChoatieMom Yes, she is applying to West Point. We PM’d about it a few months back.

@AppleNotFar From what she’s researched, the Naval Academy doesn’t offer the major she wants to study though. West Point and the Air Force Academy do, but she would prefer to attend West Point.

No matter though, it would definitely be a reach school for her with their low admission rate.

Sorry, @RuralAmerica, I forgot. :frowning:

@ChoatieMom that’s ok! I would think you have a lot of members that PM you with various questions. I’m not super excited for her to attend a service academy, but I’m not going to stand in the way either.

That’s about all you can do. If she’s 18 by the time appointments come out, you’ll have no say anyway. It’s their life, but the military is such a hard row to hoe and the academies are NOT ANYthing like a normal college experience. It takes a certain kind of kid… I didn’t think mine was one of those.

Anyway, I went back and reviewed our chat. I said everything I had to say there, but I’m always willing to talk about this road with anyone facing it. Best of luck.