BS Class of 2020 Thread

@ChoatieMom Your advice in our chat was amazing and definitely opened my eyes to things, but like you said, it’s really up to them when it comes down it. We are definitely looking at other college paths too though, so that is helping me!

Reading about the BS and college decisions here is freaking me out about being at the halfway point! For many of us, two years ago our kiddos were making big decisions for high school, and for most of us, in two years they’ll be making big decisions about college. How did we get here?? Even with AppleKid away at school, I can’t begin to wrap my brain around the idea of the kid going away (again!) to college. :open_mouth: =((


I’m taking GK to see a couple of colleges during mid-spring recess at the end of April. Any kids taking SAT subject tests in May or June?

P4K '19 is taking Chem test in June. Hopefully, he improves last May’s scores.

He took Math 2 last June and got an 800.

DD is taking Chem and Math II for SAT subject tests. and depending on pre-ACT results, prepping for and taking the ACT or SAT this Summer. She took Physics subject test last May. Hoping for @payn4ward ‘s son’s 800!

Agreed with @AppleNotFar —it seems like she was prepping for the SSAT just yesterday! :wink:

DD is planning to take Math II this Summer, but she is flying back home Friday and I am not sure if taking it the following day is a good idea. For me, taking August test before school starts sounds better, because math skills will only improve over time and is not short term memory based.

On the other hand, she plans to take World History and Biology next year, and the June SAT II test for those would be better so that she can take them while her memory is fresh.

DS is taking the MathII in May.
He is taking the Bio Subject test in August because May is in the middle of Bio AP test prep and he will be away for the June test.
We haven’t decided on the best date for the first SAT or ACT test.

DD took her first SAT (had a specific need) & PSAT (school required) last year. She will get her second PSAT (school required and for NMS) this Fall. I don’t think she will need another SAT except one on Summer after Junior year, which will hopefully be her last.

Because both English and Math skills for SAT will improve naturally over time, I don’t think it’s a good idea to take it earlier and get it done, except for those exceptional students who can get near perfect scores in earlier years.

DD is taking SAT Math 2 and Chem subject tests in June and SAT French with listening subject test in November. She’ll take her first SAT in August to have a score for college athletic recruitment, but she’ll take it at least a couple of times later on as well. This summer, she’ll take a bio class locally so she can test out of regular bio and enroll in Advanced Bio for junior year (and take the SAT Bio subject test in June of junior year).

DS is taking SAT Chem in June. He took Math 2 last year.

After spending this week talking to the kiddo about next year’s class enrollment, it’s crazy to think that they’re essentially picking the classes that will set up their college course trajectory. They’re sixteen and they’re supposed to know their path already. I’m…well older than that…and I’m still unsure of my path whilst in the middle of receiving my degree!

Nothing like flying out of Boston the day after the Marathon to make you feel lazy and out of shape! But DC had the day off so we came in for the long weekend and managed a couple college visits/coach meetings away from downtown. The driving was white-knuckle with the weather, so I’m doubly impressed with those that ran those 26.2!! ^:)^

All over the local news is the story of a PA Spanish teacher (and cross county coach) who placed 4th in the marathon. She was a bit surprised, but she’s used to running in this weather while many of the top women aren’t.

If I had more motivation, I’d search the other boards for this information, but alas, I do not. Instead, I turn to you, my seasoned online BS parent friends for help. Please blame this on not my lack of motivation, but on my lack of geographical knowledge of New England. Or both.

So far, DD has expressed interest in schools in the Boston area (of course!), as well as VA/DC, CT, and NY. That said, this year and next’s school drop-off and Parent Weekend will inevitably include a few college visits.

That said, if we are looking at the usual highly, (highly!) competitive Boston-area schools, what might be some (reasonable?) 30-50% acceptance range match schools that we could add to the mix? A vague question at best, I know–and yes, also one I could research myself–but there is the motivation piece again, rearing its ugly head! Off the list are all-girl colleges, and large state universities. Unsure of major, but right now she is leaning toward the sciences. We will probably have three days for the Boston area trip, with two schools a day at most.

Thanks in advance. Signing off now to purchase her ticket home for the Summer (cart before horse, as usual :slight_smile:

Calling @MAandMEmom for @itcannotbetrue :slight_smile:

WPI? @cameo43 can tell you all about it…

Booked her flight home. LOL

Good question, @itcannotbetrue !
