BS Class of 2020 Thread

Please take me back to the '80’s: four colleges applied to, four acceptance packages in the mail,

Or the 70s: Friend completed the administrative parts of the paper, tri-fold app, I wrote a tiny essay in a cramped hand into the 3x6 box, licked the stamp, and voila! One and done.

We knocked off our first college tours over spring break - 1 miss, 2maybes, 1 will def apply - and are just starting to get serious about the rest of it. Happy to see the 2020 thread active - it’s gonna be ? lol

Viva la thread de 2020!

Tonight is prom night! Even if my daughter is ready to breeze right into senior year…I’m pretty sure I’m not ready!

I hope your daughter enjoys her prom tonight!

Nice pics, @RuralAmerica ?

@carpoolingma She had a BLAST! Their prom was held outdoors this year and it was a perfect night with perfect weather for it!

@gardenstategal She got very nice pics with both her boyfriend and her best friends. It was great to look through them!

That’s lovely, @RuralAmerica. Nothing like a good prom pix for mom ? Mine’s been on a strangely anti-photography kick lately. Social media feed is minimal this year. I’m chalking it up to junior year ??

Time is moving so fast! DS “promposed” this week, the Juniors are attending the spring college fairs, graduation invitations when out to this year’s Seniors. We will be getting those in a blink of an eye!
We also just scheduled what may be the last of our college visits. (1 short car ride away, 1 long car ride overnight stay, and 1 same day budget fare round trip plane ride!)
In the meantime, I am so happy with the relationships, mentoring and support my son has around him as he manages all of this.

@carpoolingma It’s really hard to believe at times that they’re in their final bit of Junior year and that Senior year is almost upon us! It really is just a blink of the eye!

Some of you may remember that my eldest started BS at an undisclosed Eight Schools school that was a terrible fit for him. He would have been class of 2019, before we mutually decided to not continue at the school. He did want to come back to our LPS, and the best day schools in our area were full. So he came home, took a GED test, and entered community college at 16. Well, I am happy to report that he is finishing his AA degree this May, and has been accepted into a highly-regarded animation program at a university here in CA.

I guess my point in posting this for any who are out there wondering if there is life after leaving BS–the answer is YES! While his experience was an incredibly hard journey, he persevered along another path, and all has ended well. BS is not always the be-all-end-all for every kid.

Congrats to TrueKid! :slight_smile:

Glad it is working out for him! There is no one-size-fits-all answer in education (or life!)

That’s awesome, @itcannotbetrue! Congratulations!

Thanks, all. Yes, we are all relieved!

This is great news @itcannotbetrue - congrats!

Thanks for sharing, @itcannotbetrue . Kudos to true kid and a great reminder that there are many paths that lead to great places.

My DD experienced her first heartbreak this week. She found out her boyfriend of over a year cheated on her and she’s DEVASTATED. I’m trying to be the loving and supportive Mom on the outside, but there is definitely a part of me worried about how this will affect her SAT on Saturday. Am I truly a horrific person for that?

No, @RuralAmerica --you are a pragmatic person!