BS Class of 2020 Thread

For those who remembering SculptorDaughter’s early college acceptance at Colorado School of Mines with CS major; She ultimately decided that Astrophysics researcher is what she really wants for her career, and unfortunately, Mines was more focused on CS, Chem, and Engineering.

CS is of course a fantastic undergrad major for graduate study in Astrophysics. But then Astrophysics is also a fantastic major for CS jobs if Astrophysics research jobs don’t’ work out at the end. The difference is that she would enjoy her undergrad years more if she majors Astrophysics rather than CS.

By the way, my goal of making a “list of colleges for dd to look into” has already been completed thanks to people shared the exact information I wanted in these three discussions.

Aww, @SculptorDad , good to have you back. What to do with your impressive daughter?!? WOW.

I’ve missed you all (and the old website as well). In spite of white-space ugliness, can we continue on?

In the spirit of being BACK, I’ve an update on DD’s summer. The lab internship is going well–the PI is really nice, and she has been assigned to a cool Ph.D candidate as her supervisor. They have her doing everything the undergrads are doing, which is nice. The only other HS student there is the PI’s niece :slight_smile: . LOL.

In other not-super-interesting news, The LATE GREAT SOUTHERN COLLEGE ROAD TRIP is ON. Good gawd, we are visiting six schools in six days in August heat and humidity: Emory, Duke, UNC Chapel Hill (drive by), UVA, Georgetown (drive by), and (Whaaa? New England?!?) BROWN. Then back to CT the next day for prefect move-in.
We pick-up the rental car in Hotlanta. . . . bought some 40% off already marked-down Madewell linen items. . . Maybe will travel with chilled wine due to potential dry counties. . . :wink:

@itcannotbetrue , we are looking forward to hearing about your road trip and your kiddo’s impressions. DH was up in Atlanta, Winston-Salem, Charlotte, Raleigh, & DC for his “road trip” for work a few weeks ago and gives following advice: Much road construction and resulting traffic around those areas near the colleges. Give yourself time and keep a cooler bag of cold drinks/snacks in the car. Reminders: Chic Fil-et is closed on Sunday and treat yourself to a great dinner in DC??

Hi friends - I’ve missed you! @Golfgr8 Chimneykid1 is a senior at Emory this year; feel free to PM me if your dd is interested or has questions. We are headed to Seattle and Portland the 2nd week in August to see some colleges that don’t get a lot of love on CC and if any other CC BS parents are curious about what we find there let me know. Summer has been good! Chimneykid2 has a landscaping job and an internship at an art studio and has secured her driver’s license. We are about to have 10 days of continuous house guests followed by 10 days of vacation/college visits with many relatives in the mix which is a bit daunting for this introvert but I am looking forward to a solid block of time with both DDs with us — such a precious thing these days.

Dang @itcannotbetrue! You were in Hotlanta and didn’t visit us in Hotham??? Oddly enough, this summer hasn’t been nearly as hot as previous years, so count your blessings while hugging that chilled wine travel bottle.

I’m driving up to Chicago next week to meet GK1, who is flying there from Boston after a sports camp, then the two of us are embarking on our Midwest college trip. In other non-news, GK1 just finished a 7-week research internship. She did spectacularly well as indicated by a pending co-authorship, but also lost interest in anything remotely related to a wet lab. On the last day, she bought herself Pride and Prejudice and two books of poetry and set up camp in a local coffee shop to fix the wrongs of science with antitheses and alliterations. Haven’t seen her much since. She may or may not be also studying for the August SAT. Who knows. My role in the college process has been limited to driving and paying. The terms are non-negotiable.

I missed you too, peeps! And where are the emojis located in this hideous CC redesign? Gone??

@GoatMama and @chemmchimney, we have been up and down I-95 this summer. Glad to have found a Weggmans near Baltimore! Have fun on the Midwest trip! I also miss the emoji’s from the old platform, but we can use the boring ones like these?‍???

Oops the Emory intel I offered above was for @itcannotbetrueand yes I miss the treasure trove of emojis!

omg, I have really missed all of you. Or Y’ALL. @goatmama, your post made me realize that I am not alone in my “drive and pay” duties with the college search (another boring emoji inserted here).

Hot-n-Humid (aka please come back to CA for college :wink: ) road trip is not for another a month. I will take note of Chick Fil A’s Sunday closures, road construction season, and having cold drinks (other than aforementioned wine) in the car!

Can’t even do that from my desktop PC at work. Oh well, have to rely on the power of the written word I guess.

Also, reading through a thread feels like going through a CVS receipt. You scroll and scroll and scroll…

Any tips for UChicago, Northwestern, and Notre Dame visits from my omniscient friends? Visiting the first two on Day 1, the latter on Day 2. Need to stay close to UChicago the first night, close to Notre Dame the second night. @Golfgr8?

Hi @goatmama–DD is not looking at Notre Dame, but we did look at UChicago and Northwestern last Fall. It was the end of October and already C-O-L-D. We stopped by the Barbour store to buy two very thick wool blanket-looking scarves to supplement our Fall-weight outerwear! It was her school’s parent weekend, so we looked at Chicago on a Sunday (Yes! A Sunday 2:00 tour!), and NW that Monday of her Fall long weekend. We actually stayed near Lincoln Park in the City, which was right in the middle of the two (I would give you the name of the hotel, but it was SCARY. OK, for DON’T STAY HERE reference–it was the Hotel Majestic. NOT aptly named). We took an Uber to UChicago, and then the train to Evanston. The L train stops right near the school. Hope that this helps! :slight_smile:

Great fun ahead @GoatMama ! Love Northwestern - I was a “cherub” there one summer in high school. DH and I go to a fun pub place called Fritzy’s Tavern in Evanston when visiting friends. Great place! Niece went to Northwestern and a nephew went to UChicago. An old frend teaches at Northwestern. So DM me if you want info. DH and I will be in South Bend in October for a big game and my birthday with a zero in it - hoping you can join us for the party! Getting older just brings me closer to shooting my age.?
But seriously, the traffic on the Chicago loop is horrid. Please give yourself time - It will be tough I think to visit both Northwestern and UChicago both in the same day. Honestly, don’t know how you will do it because of the traffic and road construction between the two campuses. If you need to - be strategic on where you will be staying. DH and I stay at the Inn @ St Mary’s when in South Bend. Easy access to ND campus. Very nice staff, nice rooms, nice bar. IMHO it’s the best hotel that you can realistically get booked on a non-football game weekend. :heart: the Inn at St Mary’s. The hotel on campus is the Morris Inn - it’s fantastic, but very difficult to get a reservation there. We are booking kiddo’s wedding there for 2035. There is also an Embassy Suites in South Bend - the school holds some alumni events there so it’s nice. Feel free to DM me.

Thanks for the tips, @itcannotbetrue and @Golfgr8. Very helpful! UChicago is at 8:30 am, Northwestern is 1:30 pm so I am hopeful it will work. And Happy 30th birthday, @Golfgr8!! ? ? ?

@GoatMama We stayed in an AirBnb in Lakeview, which is kind of in the middle between Northwestern and UChicago. But, given the timing of your tours, I would suggest staying in Evanston, at least for the first night. After that, consider some of the hotels around McCormick place as they can be very reasonable if there isn’t an event going on. McCormick is on the south side, 15 min north of UChicago and an easy drive or El ride to downtown. Also, if you’re in the mood for vegan/vegetarian, the Chicago Diner is excellent.

Please let me know if any of you make it to California for college visits. Would love to meet up.

We stayed at the brand new Chicago Athletic Club in Chicago while looking at SAIC (Its basically across from the Bean on Michigan Ave) and it has a cool collegy vibe if anyone has time to spend a day downtown

Thank you all for the suggestions. @CaliMex are you in the Bay Area? We’re not visiting CA schools but GK1 will be in SF for 5 days in August.

I want to hear about all of these college visits!
We have unfortunately run out of college visit time. We tried to make it to Emory before the summer really got started got SNAFUed by flight cancellations. DS has been away for an internship and returns just in time for school. Whatever it is, it is at this point. Hopefully he has been working on some essays…
@GoatMama , that summer lab was very valuable to you and goatkid! It saved her time and money following an interest that may not hold up in practical application. Now she can follow something else (or something related but doesn’t require that specific type of research) that makes her happy.