BS Class of 2020 Thread

@GoatMama definitely seeing the same at my daughter’s school. She had three away games this week alone. It’s been a bit stressful this year to say the least!

We are just back from Fall family weekend and Chimneykid2 has decided on an ED college that seems to be a likely for her. But now she has lost all interest in looking deeper into any other schools! And declined to retake her SATs which would have been a good idea. (She is applying test optional portfolio path to the ED school. )Very nerve wracking for all the adults helping her through this process (and she will likely be “encouraged” to apply to a few more schools) but it appears she has found “the one”. We are going to revisit this week - she has a 24 hour visit booked- and hopefully she will love it just as much, otherwise we will be scrambling a bit. Her three years at her invisible gem have been really a perfect fit for her and I am so grateful to the wonderful teachers there… So for those considered the road less travelled for college or boarding school, it has worked out well for Chimneykid2 so far and it has been much less stressful overall than our college journey with Chimneykid1 who graduated from a bigger name BS and applied to mostly top 20 super popular universities.

@chemmchimney how did the revisit go? Still in love with the one and only?

She applied ED yesterday. And of course I had to sit on my hands so I wouldn’t tell her to apply EA as the school is so so far from home and likely more of a safety/match for her but I think the tunnel vision approach is where she is most comfortable now so fingers crossed it will be the right choice. Thank you for asking!

Just wanted to jump in and say hello. Haven’t been on CC much lately. Here we are in senior year. Seems like just yesterday M10 was pending, revisit days and decisions were made. I’m just blown away by how fast the time has gone. Hope everyone’s young adults are weathering this season well whatever their plans are.

Good to see you, @Sarrip ! How is your D?

@gardenstategal She is doing well. I just dropped her off at a fly-in. She is all done with SATs, ACTs, FAFSA, CSS, College Visits and applying EA. She’s working on essays for her RD schools and hope to be done by thanksgiving. I’m scraping my pennies together and praying for miracle aid ?. How about you?

All is well! Mine is a senior in college. Oh, the time flies - it really seems like yesterday we were in the throes of applications, visits, etc.

He’s done with the job search (which also happens so much earlier than it did way back when) and I think trying to enjoy what he recognizes as “the end of an era” for him. Of course, I don’t get many details…?

@Sarrip it really is crazy how fast it all went! All applications, except one have been submitted over here. DD is working on the many essays required for the last one. She has received some acceptances and she’s ferociously filling out scholarship applications left and right. Senior year can be a bit stressful!

Talk about a biased sample…

Today is a good day. DS is home for Thanksgiving break and he got his first college acceptance…so at least we know he is going to college! It was the only rolling admissions school he applied to. Now we are back to waiting and crossing our fingers for the ED school.
DD comes home early next week. :slight_smile:

Hopefully you are all getting your kids back soon for a nice. much-needed break!

Congratulations @carpoolingma and carkid!! That’s got to be a great feeling!

Enjoy your holiday time!

Congrats, @carpoolingma! What a great way for the carfamily to start the holidays!

Congrats @carpoolingma and what a wonderful start to Thanksgiving break!

Congratulations, @carpoolingma ! Great to have one in the hand!

You all enjoy Thanksgiving Break with your kids! May your house be full, your hearts joyous, and your turkey well-roasted and juicy!

GK1 is en route, with seven(!) 14- and 15-year-olds in tow. That’s the first flight home for most of them, and she is the only senior in the group, hence the honor. How time flies!

@GoatMama what fun! Can’t believe how fast it’s all gone and the fact they’re seniors blows my mind. DD and I went for a college visit this weekend at one of her accepted schools so I was able to get her early yesterday!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

How nice! Happy Thanksgiving, @RuralAmerica!

@GoatMama I have a picture now of a GoatMama Jr being followed by a trail of GoatKids through the airport like a mama duck w ducklings. :slight_smile:
@RuralAmerica Sounds like a nice start to break!

Looking like one and done here for Chimmneykid2! She just got a letter … I guess similar to a “likely letter”? from her admissions counselor at her ED college saying they are tying up a few things but she should expect good news in a few weeks (Their official notification day is 12/15). I have been on CC for 7 years I think? Both girls are seniors this year so thus ends an era. Now I just need to wrap my head around the fact that I agreed to send my child 2000 miles away for college. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoys the week with their loved ones. It’s wonderful to see some old friends popping up here. Hugs to @ChoatieMom who has been on this ride with me since the beginning.