BS Class of 2020 Thread

This is one tight-knit CC corner right here! I am grateful for all the advice, support, and camaraderie I’ve found in this fantastic group of like-minded BS parents. :heart::heart:

Now who’s going to be my emergency contact in the Philly area??! @twinsmama @gardenstategal

Congrats to all for acceptances - what a relief, right? And strength to those still waiting until the spring! @GoatMama Of course I am willing to help in a major emergency or to provide info about the area. I must admit I am not too familiar with the area around Haverford as we are about an hour away, but I know some basics about Philly.

@GoatMama We are here too! 1 hr from where Goatkid will be.

Oh wow! @carpoolingma I didn’t realize that!
In an interesting twist of fate, the niece of my kid’s BS adviser is coming to play vball at my university!

Congratulations everyone! So exciting! Love hearing the success stories of these hard working kids.

I happily volunteer, @GoatMama !

Congratulations @SculptorDad ! She will be close to home, yay!

Congratulations @GoatMama @carpoolingma !

Congratulations @chemmchimney for L&C and congrats to @itcannotbetrue !

Congrats @SculptorDad, @GoatMama, @carpoolingma, and @itcannotbetrue ! I am so happy for everybody that I may even have congratulated a few of you twice! Fingers crossed for everybody else waiting for news. The Darrow ducks had good results for a tiny class of under 30 students; 5 ED applicants and 5 acceptances (Brown, Skidmore, Lewis & Clark, Muhlenberg and Ursinus).

Congrats to all of these 2020s on the ED acceptances! For some reason I was unable to log on to CC for several days, and it was exciting to see all the acceptances (and I’m sure awesome for all the kids to know going into the holidays). Fingers crossed for those still waiting.

@chemmchimney I am glad for Darrow’s results!
Peddie also seems to be doing well with ED and SCEAs. Also, I am impressed that the kids are very sensitive in how they approach results since a few are getting deferred to the regular round. Knowing the kids, the school and the college counselors, I expect that the kids that were deferred will have great options to choose from in the end!

@carpoolingma I have not seen an announcement re ED results at Darrow or at NMH in previous years. I think because Darrow had all acceptances this year they were able to announce. Last year they didn’t announce but ultimately sent kids to Williams, Oberlin, NYU etc. and it is absolutely true that kids who are deferred end up with great options. Chimneykid1 is proof of that!

Our school tried to lowball ED publicity/excitement. Kids with FA needs couldn’t ED. Kids who got deferred were bummed. And kids who got in often took their foot off the gas pedal.

I think the kids themselves knew perfectly well who had acceptances, but the school wasn’t going to feed that beast!

It’s funny because last year’s class was very mute regarding any college decisions at DSs school, ED or otherwise.

This year, DS says everyone is already talking and being very open about all incoming decisions-acceptances and deferrals. And it appears there’s an overall atmosphere of support and encouragement.

It’ll be interesting to see if this continues for the 2020 class and if it spills over next year to DSs class of 2021.

Agree. DS’s school doesn’t make that announcement either but there has been a lot of word-of-mouth. And the kids are very sensitive/supportive with each other.

Pretty exciting day over here today. DD is applying to USNA and she received the call from our congressman that she’s received a nomination!! Still not an appointment, but an important step forward! She knows that it isn’t a sure thing and she luckily has some amazing acceptances to choose from if she doesn’t receive an appointment. She has received decisions from 10 of the 11 other schools she applied. It was a great first day to her winter break!

Yay! Congrats, @RuralAmerica and RuralKid! ? Enjoy the break!

Congratulations @RuralAmerica ! Fingers crossed for the rest of the process! Enjoy your break!

Congrats @RuralAmerica!! Hope to see you all in Ireland next year for the Navy-ND game!!

Congrats @RuralAmerica ! (And re Darrow’s announcing ED results, it’s a little different situation than the other schools as there are less than 30 seniors total so basically everyone already knows everyone’s business. This is just a chance for the acceptances to be acknowledged at dinner. I don’t think NMH which is a much bigger school would ever do this for the very good reasons cited. )

Congrats to @Zipsta 's son!