BS Class of 2020 Thread

Thank you. yes, it feels great to be on the other side. Now to see what happens in the fall.


On that note, what is the status of Princeton and others heading back to school in the Fall? No word from Penn yet. . .

@itcannotbetrue -there will be no decision released from Princeton until July.

I can tell you what will happen. The start may be rocky or not, remote or not, delayed or not, what you expect or not but, eventually, they’ll all be back in the swing of things, and they will get a great education. It’s all about perspective, timeline be damned. Your Penn and Princeton kids are going to graduate in four years with a top-notch education and great prospects. Don’t sweat what the beginning looks like. Big congrats to your amazing kids!

@ChoatieMom, I agree with you and have come to that conclusion. It is, what it is. On the other hand, it’s not as easy for my graduating senior who has been dealing with so much uncertainty to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Graduation should be tomorrow, awards, prom, cum Laude, senior breakfast, etc should have been this past week. Graduation Caribbean 9 day cruise would have begun on Monday. Her outfits for these events hanging in her room are a constant reminder. Though she tries to keep a good face I know that things are getting to her. I know that ultimately this will be a memory and that my attempts at being hopeful and positive while validating her feelings will be key.

Congrats to @itcannotbetrue and @Sarrip on Princeton and Penn. We live near both :slight_smile: but ds will be headed far away to Washington University in St Louis!

@carpoolingma - Congratulations to You and DS!!! This is an exciting time. for them. After traveling 5+ hours to BS for 4 years I am very happy to only have to travel about an hour for visits.

Congrats on your son’s decision to go to Wash U, @carpoolingma! That is excellent news!

Congrats on all the great choices!

Anyone’s child consider taking a gap year, especially given the current level of uncertainty?

Congrats @carpoolingma /carpoolkid !!! DS has WashU as #3 on his list right now…hopefully I will have reason to touch base with you next spring! ?

We are not considering a gap year at all, especially give the uncertainty that it will only be a year. Princeton is not guaranteeing that those who take a gap year will be able to matriculate in September of 2021. Those who take a gap year need to understand that their spot for 2020 will be filled by someone on the wait list. I’m more nervous for the students who will be applying to get in next year. We are rolling with the punches and DS has more than 1 year to have a ‘real college experience’.

@doschicos We also aren’t considering a gap year. First, WashU will accept applications for a gap year but expects it to for a good gap year reason to be approved. They have made it clear that it is not to take full time classes at a local college. We don’t have a good GAP year experience planned. Second, whatever next year looks like will probably turn out to be a bonding common experience for these kids, even if it’s not ideal.

@Sarrip Our prom and graduation festivities were supposed to be yesterday through Sunday. It’s all very sad for these kids (and us parents!) Yes, in the scheme of things, it’s all fine. In the moment, it’s hard. But my heart swells with pride for my son, his friends and teammates, and all of the graduating seniors!

Maybe I’m misunderstanding your statement but if that is their policy, it doesn’t make sense to me. So, they are not allowing gap years as they have in the past?

Colleges have typically never allowed gap year students to take courses at other colleges, full or part-time. It’s usually used for other experiences.

I guess I’m biased because both of mine did gap years anyway (and both were on the younger side upon graduating). Obviously, the travel experiences are limited by the pandemic but I could have seen my kids exploring other experiential outlets. I do realize it isn’t for everyone, though.

Copied from the letter from the dean. Perhaps my wording was not right:

“For those students who defer their matriculation at Princeton for fall 2020 for other reasons, we will let their admission offers stand, consistent with our policies. But depending on the number of deferrals, because of enrollment and housing constraints, we cannot guarantee matriculation in a student’s preferred year. To be clear: students deferring their matriculation for fall 2020 may not be permitted to matriculate in fall 2021; they may have to wait one or more years than they would have hoped.”

That’s definitely a change! I wonder if other colleges are stating the same as Princeton. Haven’t heard of that before now.

I believe that Princeton is discouraging the gap year because of Covid19. They will have a full class in the spring one way or the other. For those who are granted a gap year, I believe that they will take that May students from the waitlist to complete the class. Those who take the gap year will be coming in with the 2021 class and I wonder how many spots they will make available to complete the 2021 class. Or will they accept less students in 2021 to make room for the gap year Students. Not to mention the effects that Covid19 had on this years juniors in regard to the AP & SAT testing. It’s all too messy for me to even consider.

The Gap year is fine and will be approved if it is like a gap year would be at any other time. I believe they are trying to avoid a bunch of people taking a gap year because of covid19 and doing nothing or taking classes locally.

According to DD’s Penn sources, a historical amount of upper classmen are taking gap years - so many, in fact that they have increased their available transfer spots.

I will check on communication that she may have received on incoming freshmen and gap years.

Congrats to all the CC 2020s on their college acceptances. This warms my heart! Chimneykid2 will be going to Lewis & Clark and no gap year. If everything is online though, we’ve been warned that she will be heading for the Appalachian Trail instead. She also sold her first sculpture today at a local gallery! (Show is virtual) Graduation is this Saturday and I have to say Darrow has done a wonderful job with the virtual stuff and keeping connected. Chimneykid1 graduated from Emory two weeks ago and that ceremony was super lame-o. I forgive them because she is gainfully employed and got a great education. I’m not sure what’s ahead for all our kids but it will certainly be memorable. Be safe everyone!