BS Class of 2022 Thread

SwimKid was invited to preseason last year. We are local boarders so we dropped him off with essentials and then came back a few days later for official move in day. I would plan on staying most of the am of his real move in day as they usually don’t move into their actual room for preseason. They tend to keep the entire teams together. We left campus probably around 2:00

Wish I was in Florida in order to shoot fireworks. It is illegal in New Jersey. My kids love to watch it live when we visit Florida. Happy 4th everyone!

@momof3swimmers,@appleNotToFar ,@gardenstategal,@dramakids ,My teens are spending 5 weeks at their new school during the summer. The staff are very warm and friendly. Homework started right away. My kids stated that the teachers are very interested in the students and are always available if you need help. This is a comfort . The students are getting use to the heavy work load.

That’s great Mama Paradox! I’m sure the twins will be well prepared after their 5 week summer boot camp! My son is busy rotating between soccer and basketball camps this summer, as well as spending a good amount of time at the pool. In August he is doing a video & marketing camp through a local university. One of our local cities is host to a 10 day music festival, which is one of the largest in the country. He’s going to have an all access pass to the festival, and will learn how it is marketed by using the state of the art tv studios at the university. It sounded like a fun and unique opportunity for him to learn something different. He’s looking forward to it, while also enjoying his current athletic camps.

@dramakid2, video and marking camp will be different and interesting.You are keeping him busy. This is always a good plan…

My son is attending a BS about 90 mins from our house. There is a parent weekend after the first 6 weeks and I get the feeling the school would rather the parents let the kids settle in and not visit before then…but I’d love to check in and take him out for dinner before that. I know some of you guys already have kids at BS. What do you guys think?

If he plays a sport, perhaps you could come to watch and take him to dinner, but I would wait a couple weeks. It really depends on the kid, but for some, seeing a parent can trigger homesickness. And if the school offers guidance on this, follow it!

If they don’t mind - and I doubt they would -, you may want to check in with a dorm parent or advisor before you plan to come and get their read on how he’s settling. It took me a while to fully appreciate that although I knew my kid best, they had seen this situation at least several hundred times!

I would, and this is simply me, try to make it a little purposeful – bringing some warmer clothes, forgotten sports equipment, something for the room - so he doesn’t feel you are checking in on him (or worry that you’re a mess without him!)

Our son just graduated from BS, and his sister is about to start 9th grade. He was a varsity athlete and we went up (about 2 hours away) for the first game, which was about a week and a half in. We plan to do the same with his sister. THey are so busy those first few weeks, there isn’t much time to be homesick, and we found that our son, and his teammates, were thrilled to have parents visit. We brought homemade cookies for everyone, loud cheers and lots of hugs.

“My son is attending a BS about 90 mins from our house. There is a parent weekend after the first 6 weeks and I get the feeling the school would rather the parents let the kids settle in and not visit before then…but I’d love to check in and take him out for dinner before that. I know some of you guys already have kids at BS. What do you guys think?”

Do the dinners. We saw our kids at least once per week while they were in boarding school. Twice a week if they were competing in sports. Just because you are sending your child to boarding school doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy time as a family. I think it is important to keep communication and connection going. We lived even closer. To me it was the best of both worlds. We’d also take the kids’ friends out with us on some visits which was both fun and informative.

Also want to add, if any school administrator, advisor, or teacher discouraged me as a parent from visiting my child for 6 weeks, I’d consider that a serious red flag. My kids’ school never discouraged us from visiting. In fact, they always made us feel quite welcomed on campus at pretty much any time, not that we abused it.

On the Cafe board in the Approriate Clothes Thread (which is a thread about finding deals) I posted a reminder that today is Amazon Prime Day. Lots of competitors are offering bargain basement pricing through tomorrow to compete - no membership fee required! I just bought all of my sons bedding at ridiculously low prices from Macy’s. I’m going to browse again tomorrow to see what other deals I can find!

Thanks a lot! Macy’s has some really great deals right now!

Looking for savings…as always.

Before we know it…our kids will be enjoying their new schools! My kiddos stated the staff were so supportive and available if you needed them over the summer session. What a relief it was to pick up two happy kids from their dorms who are both satisfied with their school . My family is from humble beginnings,but the cultural dynamics is a good fit for all to learn about each other. I am impressed with how organized their school is. Bargain shopping is a fun chore for my kiddos.

Starting to dread move-in day. It is going to be hard saying goodbye, even though I know my child will be attending a fantastic school and will be surrounded by caring and supportive peers and adults. (We’ve already gotten lovely correspondence from her dorm head, prefect, and other faculty & staff.) Stockpile the kleenex now.

Hate to say this, @CaliMex , but no amount of imagining that day will fully prepare you for it. Thinking good thoughts for you slready!!

@CaliMex, Kleenex for all us parents!!!
@gardenstategal, Hello to you and thanks.

Don’t say “Goodbye,” say “See you later, kiddo!” No matter how many locks or addresses you change, they seem to find their way back. :slight_smile:

Hi @“Mama Paradox” ! Glad your kids are excited about the new year. Always easier that way!

@ChoatieMom, your post made me laugh at the part that they always find their way back home.(smile) I had to send the twins pictures of our cats during the summer. (Buttercup and Salem)