BS Class of 2022 Thread

PA kept parents in the loop during the crisis in Andover. The dorm staff are so organize and kept the teens calm. Initially, I was worried .They communicated so well by text and phone the feelings of satisfaction is great. All of these boarding schools really taking are of our teens when it manners the most.

Such a scary situation Mama Paradox! Glad to hear that PA was good about keeping parents informed and the kids safe.

@Mama Paradox, I’m so glad they communicated well with the parents and that they took such great care of the kids. My 2DS ended up at SPS, but I couldn’t help but watch and worry about the kids at Andover.

@KentuckyMomma, SPS is such a wonderful school. I remember the mini waterfall and the gorgeous campus. Parents that live far at first did not know what to think. So many houses had fires at different locations. Many students stayed a local classmates houses.

@dramakid2, hope a crisis like this never happens again. The dorm counselors are a gem.

@mama paradox, So scary!!! I’m glad the kids were ok!

I am looking forward to family weekend. Time is speeding fast. At least, I can see pictures of my teens on Instgram.They seem well fed and happy.(smile)

One week until family weekend! Can’t wait! Just got grades, too. I was expecting the worst based on the girl’s texts, emails, and phone calls about struggling with the transition from mediocre public school to demanding private. She’s disappointed (she’s used to straight A+ marks) but we’re quite pleased!

^^ so much better than the other way round!! (Speaking from experience! )

Family weekend so far is great! A lot of parents got a chance to talk about midterm grades and comments. Earlier today, the weather was raining cats and dogs. This New England weather seems unpredictable. The staff gives you constructive feedback. I have done so much walking during the past two days. There are so many informative sessions to attend to all day. Parents must put on the most comfortable walking shoes.

Driving down tomorrow for Family Weekend at Thacher! Can’t wait! Weather is expected to be in the 80s.

Good Luck@CaliMex. I had no idea that the teens hardly want to stay in the hotel room with the parents. They were having fun with their dorm friends. My mother came up from Florida and had so much fun for family weekend with her grandchildren.

“Weather is expected to be in the 80s”

Stop rubbing it in. It is 28 degrees this morning in my slice of New England. :wink:

@“Mama Paradox”, @CaliMex and everyone else - have a wonderful time at family weekends!

@MamaParadox Our girl wants to stay in the hotel with us, but the idea of driving her back to school early in the morning so she can take care of her horse is much less appealing!

FWIW - staying in the hotel with parental units is a common request. We learned that all but one of the kids from the dorm was leaving for the weekend with parents or, at least, staying in the hotel with parents - even if there was a sporting event the next day. The one kid that did stay alone for the night (due to sporting event) was miserable!
It would have been very lonely and uncomfortable for GolfKiddo to have stayed alone on the floor, so making the extra drive back for the morning game was worth it in the long run. Also, Kiddo stated what is missed most is “privacy” and a real shower/bath, as well as a real bed! So, you may want to confirm if most kids are leaving the dorm that night.

This morning it was 34 degrees in North Jersey.

30 in our part of the Garden State.

Has anyone sent their teen to crew summer camp ? I am just floating this idea.
I have started saving for this possibility.

Our son attended a Navy crew camp in Annapolis the summer prior to senior year. He was already a varsity rower at that point and was applying to both Navy and Army for college, so the camp served two purposes.

Do you have specific questions, @“Mama Paradox” ?

@ChoatieMom, just wanted to know if other parents had sent their teens to this type of camp. My twins seem to love this sports even when it is rainy and cold outside. Camp prices are expensive but I will bite the bullet and make it happen one way or another. Thanks for responding.