BS Class of 2022 Thread

Rowers will break the ice at the river’s edge with their bare feet (shoes are already attached to stretchers in the shell) at 5AM. And let’s not get started with the hands… Rowing is not for the weak:

Good luck to them @“Mama Paradox”!

(Helpful Hint: Those aren’t little garbage cans in the erg room. They’re vomit buckets.)

@ChoatieMom Did you ever use those words in that context before my cyber brother set foot on the shores of Lake Quonnipaug? Asking for a friend. :smiley:

Oh the things I’ve learned from rowers…

But not as hair-raising as what I learned on that dance thread. :open_mouth:

I’ve got to find that dance thread.

Oooohhhh! A dance thread - I want to read that one! I could use a good laugh, it’s been a rough couple of weeks. Although I did appreciate the blazer story in the laundry thread below :))

Don’t thank me (start at page 1 if this link does’t take you there):

Scoop and swoop, lol…

I know someone who ended up renting a house for a week near a rowing camp program because it was less expensive than paying the room and board. I’ve always thought that if vacation time and logistics could work out, it might be a perfect solution to vacation with teenagers - they’d have an activity they enjoyed to keep them busy for a few hours, and would likely be exhausted by the end of the day…

Thanks for posting the link, that thread opened up an entire world I knew nothing about, lol!! Still have to agree, though, that the blazer story @ChoatieMom posted in the laundry thread is one of the funniest posts I have seen on here!

I hope everyone enjoyed their family weekends! Ours was the last weekend in September. It was great to see DS and meet a lot of his friends. He is so happy and is thriving at Mercersburg! My younger son loved it too and came home with a T-shirt from the bookstore.

Unfortunately my father was hospitalized for a cardiac event during family weekend, so we left a little earlier than we expected. We did get to experience the bulk of the events that we wanted to attend, so it was not a total loss. My father was released a few days later and is recovering, but life has been stressful since then. Sorry, just venting!!

@dramakid2 Hope your father is on the mend. No worries, venting is fine. We are all going through this life cycle together. Nurses always feel this way. Wishing your family the best.

Thanks Mama Paradox :slight_smile:

(Sorry I can’t tag you. I tried once to tag you - I thought I had it right with the space in your name, but I just ended up tagging someone named Mama.)




Here’s how to tag users with a space - substitute “&20” for the space, e.g.:

@ChoatieMom thanks for the link share. For girls, they just go commando under their tights. Let’s just say that dancers get to be very comfortable with nudity in the dressing rooms.

Are there a lot of boy dancers at boarding schools?

^ At ours, not a lot. But more than I might have guessed and not the kids I would have guessed either!

Happy Halloween!!! I have my candy ready for the children. Have fun !



I use quotes " " around the name with spaces.
@ “Mama Paradox” << remove space before the first quote "
@“Mama Paradox”

One of the Andover parents invited me to stay over their house next A / E weekend. The hotel fees are out of control. My kiddos will be with their friends. I must practice my cheering loud voice for the exciting football game. Since I am not a young chickadee, plenty of sweaters will be worn.

Important to vote today !!!