BS Class of 2022 Thread

Great A/E football last night! Freezing but fun… Kids preparing for finals.

I was on campus for the field hockey game yesterday on the PEA side. It was my last high school game I will attend for a long time, as my youngest graduates next year. Pretty bittersweet. The Synder center Is beautiful and a really great addition to the campus.

GO BIG RED!@vegas1

My hearts aches a little for you @vegas1 . I think as parents, we already know too much about lasts/endings/etc. Glad you could be there!

Waiting patiently for Thanksgiving break. They will be here this Friday. Plan to stock up on more winter gear for them. Hope all of you enjoy these next days with your kiddos…

@Mama Paradox, FWIW I sent up winter clothes last week…down coat, gloves, boots…GolfKiddo is not wearing any of it…FaceTimes me with jacket open, no gloves, no winter coat, no hat…says to me this AM @ 28 degrees, “Nobody is wearing that stuff yet”…OK I will stop trying…she did have closed toe shoes on, however. :-t

During the A/E Football game, I thought it was my imagination that the students did not bundle up enough. I will not go over board with the winter items. These teens do not feel the cold!

@Golfgr8,it is definitely cold here in New Jersey too. Which state are you from?

@Mama Paradox…we were working on the beautiful Georgia coast this week setting up for a tournament…shout out to our CC family on St Simons and sending thanks…Knowing that there are a lot of excited kids and anxious parents looking forward to Thanksgiving holiday travel…Hoping everyone drives safely up in the NE and can travel home tomorrow without snow or rain delays! :-bd

It took me 7 hours to drive home due to snow storm last night. We were stranded on the highways. Numerous accidents, every where!

I picked up my son at 10am yesterday from Mercersburg at 10am, and it was snowing heavily. Our normal 2.5 hour drive took us 4.5 hours, but we made it home unscathed at 2:30pm. It was a miracle that we made it home and did not get stuck on the highway or into an accident. We passed 3 jackknifed tractor trailers on our way, and saw multiple accidents on the other side of the highway. Friends who were released from work at 2pm got stuck on the roads getting home for 4 hours or more. Hundreds of people were stuck on highways overnight and just got moving this morning. So much for 1-3 inches of snow they called for! I consider myself lucky and blessed that we made it home in 4.5 hours. It could have been so much worse. Although I was prepared with a full tank of gas, a case of water, lots of food, a heavy blanket and an overnight bag. Thankfully we didn’t need to use any of it.

@dramakid2 , you were just in front of it. It was pretty bRutal in the evening although very much road and town dependent. Glad you are all home and safe!

Well, at least y’all can breathe. Air quality in San Francisco is HORRIBLE right now (387)…

You are absolutely right @CaliMex! Our hearts are with the people of California right now. Such devastation and frightening stories of how some just barely made it out.

@CaliMex, stay safe.

Our calico cats were meowing at my twins in protest for being left since September. Now all if forgiven and all I hear are purrs !!

Before Thanksgiving thought : A moment of silence to think of our family or friends that are no longer here for this Thanksgiving. Regardless of political leanings, we are enjoying life together.
It feels great that our children are here with us for the holidays.
Gobble, Gobble children…

I am satisfied with the grades. 17 degrees here.

Still waiting on grades… @Mama Paradox, I think your “here” isn’t far from my “here” (NJ) so we were at 17 this morning also.
Looking forward to warmer weather tomorrow!

Parenting is … letting children go off to boarding…knowing it will be fine. They are leaving back to PA tomorrow. The staff always keep you in the loop with no surprises. Plenty of good bye kisses for all our kiddos.