BS Class of 2022 Thread

Time will tell. She might change her mind. Take care.

She may change her mind when the M10 decisions start coming in.

PS. I wish my kid had a stronger local option!

My local option of the public high school is actually really good. Would that be an option? Some public high schools can be as good as boarding schools

Yea, @hellomaisy !! Great to have an excellent, desirable option. Happy for your family.

Good morning everyone,
During the past days,we have a scented candle burning in the livingroom. It is soothing to the soul as we wait for 3/10/18. Blow it out before you go to sleep. Only a few days leftā€¦

Congrats @hellomaisy ! Great to go in to March10 with options!

How are you parent feeling? It is almost over!

Two more sleeps! Nervous but excited over here!

Does anyone have anything planned for M9 or M10 to celebrate?

Twins will be taken out for dinner.

We will celebrate having completed the process on M9 (just in case the M10 news isnā€™t good)

Positive vibes for all the students. They worked hard for this moment.

A roller coaster of emotions today. Early news looked bad, like it would be all WL, but acceptances to Exeter and Berkshire cheered up DS. Now for decisions- the two schools couldnā€™t be more different, they each appeal to a different side of him, and (TBH) neither was his first choice, plus he has a phenomenal public option at home. And itā€™s just kicking in that I might have to send him off, and now Iā€™m in the ā€œI canā€™t believe how fast it all goes, Iā€™m going to miss him so muchā€ panic. Gah!

We have time to decide which school to send our kids. This has been the longest dayā€¦

Iā€™ve been lurking for months, and finally decided to create an account. My daughter, @emro12, was offered admission yesterday to EHS and PEA and we are so excited! Boarding school is a new concept for our family and not a normal thing where we live, but we are strongly feel it will be the best environment for her! Grateful for the insights Iā€™ve gleaned from CC and looking forward to learning more in the coming years! Even though Iā€™ve only been lurking, I donā€™t know how I wouldā€™ve made it through these last months without it!

Congratulations! She has great options. You should be proud!

Great news for you!

Congratulations and welcome @BlueBirdWine! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions about PEA. Our background sounds similar to yours- we lived in Las Vegas at the time our oldest applied and no one we knew had ever attended BS.

Thank goodness that my twins were accepted to the same 2 boarding schools.

@Mama Paradox - I was wondering how it worked out for your twins! Congrats!

Trying to remain low key since I know that children are healing from their various results. Our children are so resilient. My favorite saying is ā€œThis too shall pass.ā€ Want to send positive thoughts to all of you hard working students. Parents love you all so much!