BS Class of 2022 Thread

Here it is permit at 16, license at 17. DS took the written part of the test and did his 6 hours of behind the wheel driving lessons during spring break when he was 16. He can’t wait to have his license but he really doesn’t get enough practice because he is at BS. So, though he has been 17 for awhile, I won’t let him take the test until late August.

@Golfgr8, I looked into DS doing the driver’s ed class at school (through a CT driving school that offers it at boarding schools) and of course it wasn’t as simple as it appears. I believe CT is the most restrictive state with respect to teen driving, with MA running a close second — kids here can get their permit at 16 and then can take driver’s ed. First of all, they only offer the course on campus in the fall, and then it’s only an abbreviated course — 8 hours vs. 30 hours. Plus they do it on Sunday, which doesn’t work for us. So DS is doing driver’s ed over the summer and hopefully will finish in time to take (and pass!) the driving test in August. At first I wasn’t in a big rush, but since junior year will be busier, and next summer busier still with college stuff, I decided to try to get it out of the way. Not that DS will have his own car or a lot of driving freedom for a while. But yes, I think a lot of kids at BS tend to put it off due to not being able to drive at school plus the scheduling complications. On the other hand, DS says a lot of his friends his age have their licenses since they were able to get them younger.

It will be a while before my two hit 16 years old. Once the the clock strikes, off to driving school. I wish their school had some form of driver’s ed. Boarders are not allowed to drive.

It’s amazing how much kids have to do when they’re “resting” over the summer.

The driver’s license timing for kiddo is tricky. Permit age is 15.5 in Cal, which means the fall for him. So he won’t get behind the wheel until winter break. Realistically he won’t have enough practice hours in until next summer - after he turns 16.

@Golfgr8 same over here: permit at 15, license at 16. GK1 drove around a little with her dad while she had the permit, but I didn’t think it was enough for a license, so last summer I enrolled her in a driver’s ed class. At 16 and a half, she was the oldest in the group; everyone was younger than 16. She drove with the instructor only once - he questioned why is she even there and told her to just go take the road test and get a license. Which she did the very next day. Then she drove by herself all summer - every. single. day. - to her mother’s dismay. She is a real car hog too, so I just got me a “new” used car so she can have my old car this summer.

A father’s love is a life long event. Enjoy papa! Can not forget the mamas that must do it alone…
Take care on this special day…

My son is off to squash camp today. Packing luggage is second nature now. It takes a minute to save up for the fee.

Happy Fourth of July !!! My kiddos are Jr Lifeguards now. Once they turn 15 years old then the full lifeguard classes are next. Everyone please be safe with the firecrackers.

Lifeguarding is a great summer job!

Last night, I was watching HULU. One of my kid’s parents from school texted asking were I in the
Manhattan blackout. I had no idea of the real current events as it was happening. Electricity has been restored to the relief of many. Our subways can get pretty hot in the summer. I am old enough to remember the major NYC blackouts from many years ago.
Many boarding school parents keep in touch even though school is not in session. I am about to go outside to cut the hedges before the sun starts to bake.

Everyone is excited about returning to school. Last minute shopping for clothes was done yesterday. The cats keep trying to lay on top of their luggage. It seems they know the kids will be leaving soon.
I will be sending the kiddos with plenty of mosquito repellent since there is a potential EEE virus problem in Massachusetts and other states. The school has been very informative about the various precautions they want the students to take. I hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacation.

Thanks for the reminder, @Mama Paradox! FWIW, we found individually packaged repellent hand-wipes by Off that go right into the sports bags and backpack. No excuses not to use them. We are “wheels up” now and left the “cone” of Dorian for the launch of Sophomore year!?. Good luck everyone!

We’re big believers in treating socks and other outdoors gear with permethrin - just an added layer of protection that you don’t have to remember to put on. Great for ticks and mosquitoes!
Good luck to all the retuning students as well as the new 10th graders!

Kiddo started back last week – house is so empty without him. But he was so happy to be on campus again, it is hard not to share in the happiness.

Here’s to a great year for everyone!

@CateCAParent ,I know how you feel. We are in the hotel now until school check in this Wednesday . I put on my poker face when it’s time to say goodbye. On Thursday , it will be back to taking care of their calico cats, Buttercup and Salem. My kiddos are already making plans with their friends.

Like you, @Mama Paradox, holding up at the hotel - relieved to be safe and dry while watching the Weather Channel reporters in our hometown ???! Thanks to the CC moms who sent messages of concern and support!

Son went back to Tabor last Friday. Last Football two-a-day is today. School sent a letter updating us on their EEE precautions. Between that and shark sightings, life was rough on the Cape this summer…

He had a great summer - his grueling job was to coach Lacrosse!

As Boarding schools get out early, we found a driving school with a course in early June and he got his permit and knocked out the classroom requirement. He hopes to get his license over Christmas break.

In Boston getting a license is highly variable. We know kids who sign up first day eligible, kids who wait until graduation, and we have two neighbors in college - sans license. Public transport, ride-sharing, and high costs and traffic mediate against one.

@Garandman, we were in Maine for a sports camp. The hotel advertised where to swim but at your own risk. Sharks are nothing to take lightly. Getting that drivers license during winter break will be fine. I have one more year until mine can apply until then my name is mommy taxi driver.

Sharks are the new normal on the outer Cape. Just one more thing to add to the mom worry list…