BS Class of 2022 Thread

Has anyone received information about second year students taking the PACT exams in January 2020 ? I am trying to keep level headed during this whole process.

I had no idea the PSAT was even happening, I heard about it after the fact. I do like the low/ no pressure idea and giving students the opportunity to practice in 10th grade.

I really do find Mercersburg to be very student centered. They take the well being and mental health of their students very seriously. Not only do I genuinely feel this from the administration, but I also see it and hear it from my son. Over the years they have adjusted morning start times, as well as redefined appropriate homework loads.

I’ve read the homework and sit-down meal threads, and I am grateful that we have not had those experiences. The workload is challenging, yet not unhealthy for my son. He’s melted down at times during midterms and finals weeks, but always managed to pull through successfully. There is a lot of support available on campus. The fact that Mercersburg accepts kids with a wide range of academic strengths helps to create this culture. Students who can handle the high level courses find the challenge they seek. Those who need standard levels courses can find them there, along with plenty of support as needed.

Excuse my ignorance, but what are PACT exams?

I meant Pre ACT exam.

Thanks @Mama Paradox - I was getting nervous about missing out on another standardized test to get anxious about (LOL)!

So excited that Mercersburg football will be going to the Keystone 8 Man Football championship game next week! They changed to 8 man football this year after many terrible seasons of 11 man football. It’s been clear that Mercersburg and the other 3 teams who created this league all belong in this new division. The games are competitive and fun to watch and play. So happy for all of our kids that they’ve had this opportunity and have experienced so much success! From what we’ve heard, the new 8 man league has sparked interest from several other schools, and the league may double from 4 to 8 teams next year.

Thought this piece had good insights on college admissions that apply to students everywhere:

@CaliMex , Thanks for sharing information.

My kiddos are dealing with finals . Everyone is spending so much study time in the library. During lunch time, I constantly read up on various colleges. The tuition price ranges takes the smile off your face.
Hope all of our teens enjoy a restful time at home. I plan to take the twins to The American Dream Mall in New Jersey.

My kiddos are in Arizona with classmate’s family for a few days before Thanksgiving. I am afraid of flying, but that is my secret. The weather is perfect there.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! My kiddo is with a friend/cousin for a couple of days, and can’t wait to see him. Tomorrow!

Thanks @CateCAParent for your happy update and Happy Thanksgiving to you, as well as to others on this thread. Thankful to have kiddo back home!

Today we drove to the King of Prussia Mall for the first time. We had to use the map since it is so large. I am very pleased with their grades. Window shopping is my thing. My son is still growing tall. Finally found a coat that was on sale which fits. My daughter has grown so much and has embraced the demands of her school. College is part of the conversation at home. In my thoughts, I say quietly go big blue . The staff are really shaping them to be thoughtful people with self control.

@mama_paradox Good report!

Northeast snow has started . My teens are in Shoprite stocking up on favorite snacks before we head home. Shovel, snow boots and salt are already by the front door. Glad to still be on vacation.

Stay safe up there! We are awaiting news from school @ delays. Not sure we can fly out tomorrow for the return trip up to the NE!

@Golfgr8 SPS is officially delayed. It will be open for those who are able to travel on Monday, but classes won’t start until Wednesday. We’ll take our chances at the airport tomorrow since all Tuesday flights are sold already. We have a group of 8 kids traveling together. It’s really hard to rebook.

@GoatMama and @Golfgr8, hope everything works out travel wise.

Watching weather channel and saw Concord NH on TV…stay safe everyone. We have tix for tomorrow eve, but no word yet on school closing. Wish we were up there already watching the snow fall, whilst enjoying egg nog & some added “cheer”. Thinking that Fireball might be in store tonight up there.

We will probably end up getting back to school a day late. Mercersburg is not in the storm zone, but we are, and are expected to get around 10 inches of snow tomorrow. The highway leading to school will likely be treacherous, and I am sure others coming from further East and North will also be delayed. I guess it’s time to figure out who to contact to let them know he may not be back until Tuesday!