BS Class of 2027 Thread

glad to hear she is having good interviews! she will land somewhere amazing!


From your lips to G-d’s ears!! Where are your kids applying this year?

Two out of six applications submitted! The two that don’t require a graded paper as she is still waiting for it to be graded by her teacher. Exciting times!


Well, we just realized that she can submit her applications without having everything complete (totally new to this whole thing if it weren’t already obvious!!) and therefore went ahead and submitted for the other four schools and will just await the graded paper sometime in January. If she doesn’t have it by the time school starts again, my daughter will ask her English teacher to prioritize it as she needs it by the 1/15 deadline.

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Sooooo when does the M10 thread start now that people have apps submitted :rofl:

We have 1 more to go. Hard to believe there is only about 2.5 months to go.

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Whenever a user sets it up

10 days to go (we aim to complete them all by Jan 15 so we can keep everything straight)…who is all done? :sob:

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My daughter has everything done and submitted her portions a few weeks ago, but she is still waiting on the graded paper to be graded so she can submit that (four of her schools require it). Stressing a bit, but I’m sure her teacher will get it done next week.

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Most schools will accept applications without things required from the school (i.e., you can submit them later). It can relieve a bit of stress (on both ends!)

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Yes, she has submitted everything she can. But her applications are not listed as “complete” for those schools because that is missing. Are you saying she could submit that after 1/15?

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submitted 3/8 schools, good luck!


Often, yes. Just let the schools know what the hold-up is. These kinds of glitches aren’t unusual, and they never want to lose a good applicant on a technicality.

While it often feels like schools are looking for a way to weed out applicants when you’re on this side of it, the opposite - even at the most selective schools - is true. They want to choose from the biggest, best pool they can put together.

It’s a lot different if the application completion is being held up by a teacher/recommendation which can be out of the student’s control rather than if the student responsibilities are not completed on time, ie essays, taking the SSAT/ISEE/SAT on time, submitting application. That being said, there should be plenty of opportunities to submit a graded paper on time by using a product that has previously been completed vs a brand new work. BS are looking for responsible and mature students who can balance deadlines appropriately. The graded essay is not out of the student’s hands, it was the student’s choice to pick something not yet graded to submit. There is very much a difference in waiting on a teacher writing a recommendation.

@Pharmingturtles many of your posts, I’ve noticed, seem intended (consciously or unconsciously) to increase other posters’ anxiety.


In general, I agree that it’s on the applicant to meet deadlines. In our case, DS hasn’t even been assigned an essay this year. He had to ask for a special assignment to complete this part of the application when it became abundantly clear in late November that she was not going to assign much writing to her class at all. Call it what you want: teacher fatigue, pandemic fatigue, select students refusing to do the work so they lower the expectations for everyone. It doesn’t really matter other than that it’s out of his control and it required him to take some initiative to get the assignment at all. Odds are not in his favor that his essay will be graded in time, but you never know. We’ll certainly be communicating with the school about the situation if this does end up becoming an issue. I think, as others have pointed out, it’s not unusual for individual circumstances to differ given the wide applicant pool, and I would think that schools, within reason, would be willing to offer some flexibility in certain circumstances. It’s not the kid’s fault if s/he has not been assigned the work.


Yes, I recall that @RoonilWazlib99 's child had not been assigned an essay and it was agreed that the student and the teacher would take on this additional work to meet this requirement. I am confident that any AO will appreciate the effort being made to meet the timeline.


Take it how you will. If people get anxious because of the truth that’s not my problem. If you need safe spaces and sugarcoating of everything, I’m not the person to give you that. If people can’t meet a deadline for an application to boarding school, which is going to be full of a lot of hard and non-budging deadlines, perhaps it’s not the place for them to be.

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These are 8th and 9th graders, we need to cut them some slack.

Some parents control this process 100%, so of course deadlines will be met with these families.

For those kids who are doing this mostly on their own - you are to be applauded, and it is perfectly normal for the odd slip-up to occur. This does NOT mean you aren’t ready for boarding school.


Am I the only one who still needs to finish one app?
Not including Andover which has a 2 week later deadline : D.

Im not sure if yall’s “finish app” counts the transcript because our first semester final grades aren’t even out yet and in fact I have a last semester project and part of the grade is a class presentation on Jan 9.

@Pharmingturtles - my daughter’s school spent the fall semester working on fiction and creative writing. She did not have a formal essay assigned in LA or SS (or any other class - even from 7th grade) so she had to ask her teacher if he would grade an essay she wrote herself, of her own initiative. He agreed and she submitted it to him over a month ago. We are understanding that it is the holiday season now and he may not have had a chance to get to it. She will remind him of it when they are back in class together after the break.

In no way was this a deficiency of initiative, commitment, or time management. In fact, I feel she showed her dedication to the boarding school process by understanding what was needed and finding a way to make it happen, despite it not being something her school was going to make easy for her/already have in the bag like other kids.