BS Class of 2027 Thread

It may be because of the size of the schools where she is applying (mostly between 300-400 students). The smaller schools likely have more bandwidth to reach out to applicants and check in with them. This particular AO has been really fantastic, emailing book recommendations to my daughter, asking about things she had mentioned in her visit or her interview (like how was a trip we took or what things she is baking recently for her community service project, etc), and generally just checking in every once in awhile. Two other schools have also sent emails in the past couple of weeks (aside from athletics people) just asking how things are going and encouraging my daughter to reach out if she has any questions or needs anything prior to decision day. Those other schools were not as personal, but it was still nice to have someone reach out to check in during the long, lonely wait!


what schools is she applying to

She applied to Pomfret, Proctor, Miss Porter’s, Millbrook, Suffield, and Emma Willard.

Does anyone know about revisit days? I just wanted to block the calendar tentatively. I know Choat mentioned they would have three revisit days on the last week of march. Does anyone have information about other schools in M10?

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Here’s the revisit days thread…(not sure if I’m linking correctly, but search revisit days in 2023 to find it). Appears all of them are between Monday, 3/27 and Friday, 4/7/2023 (though Friday is Good Friday, so maybe I’m wrong on that)

Revisit Days in 2023 - Prep School Admissions - College Confidential Forums


Hope everyone reading got great news! I’m curious to know who here reading is going to revisit?

Hi! Daughter was accepted to all of the schools to which she applied, but we cannot make revisits as we are just too far away and she would have to miss a week or more of school here in order to make revisits work (plus the cost is outrageous and we try to only head back to the US once per year due to cost of getting there).

But, daughter will be attending a couple of virtual revisits - two schools have dedicated virtual revisit sessions and one has a “pre-revisit day Q&A/What to expect” which the AO said many international students are attending in lieu of a revisit, so she will go to that as well. Other than that, a few schools have agreed to set daughter up with a student to chat with and ask her questions/do some impromptu video chats with throughout the day so she can get a feel for what a day is like.


Exeter 4/3

We are going to attend revisit days. Hoping the right one speaks to our daughter as they are all great and different.


Excited to see where all the kids choose to go!


Daughter has narrowed down from six acceptances to two schools left! Has anyone else’s student made a decision yet?


Which two?
I’m excited to hear both about your process and your news.

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Oh man - the process! It has been so so very hard to make decisions. Our daughter knew Suffield had always been the lowest on her list, so that one was easy to take off right away when she got accepted to others. Emma Willard came off fairly quickly because she couldn’t find anything “extraordinary” or super compelling about it other than the architecture and there were other schools that had special programs or courses/areas of study that drew her in more.

Then the last four schools have been so hard. She finally took Millbrook off because it just didn’t offer the breadth of courses or the study abroad options that a couple of other ones did. That has been something that has surprised me about this whole process - that my daughter is placing a big emphasis on schools that have study abroad options built in where you don’t have to find your own program and get it approved, but it is just part of your course options and you automatically get school credit.

The final two, Proctor and Pomfret, have always been fairly close to the top, but Miss Porter’s just keeps popping back on her list. She sat down to make a pros/cons list for the schools remaining this weekend and she chose not to make a list for Miss Porter’s, so to me, that is the final nail in the coffin for them.

I’ll update once she has chosen (by next Friday). She has individual Zoom calls set up with students and faculty at both schools this coming week, so her final questions can be answered. It’s exciting, but she’s definitely taking on the stress of feeling like she has to make the perfect choice. We have told her time and time again that as long as she is honest with herself and what she wants academically and socially, that she does her research and is open to finding faults and positives in each school, then whatever school she ends up choosing will be the right one. Still, she’s 13 and it is hard for her to get clear of the feeling that this is a momentous decision. She is very fortunate to be in the difficult position of choosing and we’re really excited for whichever school she picks!


A commitment has been made! Contracts are signed!

Daughter is officially a Class of 2027 Proctor Hornet!

Super excited about all the opportunities she is going to have there and cannot wait to see where everyone else decides to go!


Such a journey just to start the real journey. Congratulations!!!

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SO true! :rofl:

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Who knows, maybe she’ll take up ski jumping there. Congrats!

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Stranger things have happened . . .

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Proctor is a great school.
Is she thinking about Ocean Classroom or Mountain Classroom?
She will have so much fun.


At the moment, she does not think Ocean Classroom would suit her (but you never know), but she is very interested in Mountain Classroom and European Art Classroom.