BS Class of 2027 Thread

Very exciting, congrats!

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Congrats!!! Great landing spot

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just yesterday i enrolled at choate, but just got of the waitlist for hotchkiss which was my first choice :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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You can commit to Hotchkiss and withdraw from Choate. But you will almost certainly lose your deposit at Choate. It’s unfortunate. If you can afford it, though, Choate doesn’t have to be a done deal.


@ali987372 if it was just yesterday, I’ll bet you can get your money back. Most states have a cooling off period for large purchases/contracts. While this may or may not make anything “legally required” it DOES often translate into a short grace period where a school might understand and return the money. I would ask them ASAP.


Yes, definitely worth asking, especially over weekend. With that said, we went through this for college – same timeframe – and no dice. Deposit was $1000.

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But if Hotchkiss is still in top of your list… if you cant get your deposit back… spread out over 4 years… that money doesn’t really mean too much…

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thanks everyone for your support! i absolutely loved choate when i visited it but i havent visited hotchkiss anyway so it is safe to say that hotchkiss was my first choice, however i am committed 100% to choate. it was just a bit of a shock yesterday as again hotchkiss used to be my first choice. good luck to everyone and thank you again!


Are we posting final decisions here? After a great revisit on Thursday-Friday, my son has chosen Williston! It was an overnight revisit, which I think really helped seal the deal.

A different school had previously been our favorite, but after that revisit earlier in the week, he said, “They really dropped the ball.” The visit was unorganized and he found a lot of the current students to be disruptive and a little mean. We were all disappointed.

Luckily, the Williston revisit exceeded all of our expectations and everyone we met was so nice. He also really loves being close to Easthampton and Northampton. I think he will be happy there.
Would love to connect with any other incoming or current Williston parents!

Good luck to the rest of you still deciding.


Go Big Red! My DD27 has committed to Lawrenceville School. We would love to chat with any future Lawrentians.

I would agree with SSdh25 that a revisit can really paint a school in a different light. There were some schools we loved after revisits which made the choice difficult while others quickly came off the list because of the experience. I encourage anyone who can to revisit in the future as the process is overwhelming. The kids are so busy trying to impress the admissions team while seeing so many schools in a short time span (at least in our case) that is is hard to remember and absorb everything (even with the best notes). Revisits allow them to focus in on those schools when they can be more relaxed.


My DS graduated from Williston last year (class of '22), and he had a great experience as a 4 year boarder.
I predict your DS will love it!
I’m happy to connect as a recent parent.

You’re right about Easthampton. Some of the town falls within school bounds, and many of the stores accept the Sammy card, so your DS can spend his Button Bucks at these places.

There are also some other Williston parents on the board.

Congratulations :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: welcome to the Wildcat family!


After all the revisits were done this week, S27 decided on Holderness today. We are so excited for him, and really happy with how he came to his decision. Now on to the next stage!


Congrats! Not a current Lawrentian, but one from a few decades ago… and it was a terrific experience for me. Even though I loved it, it’s too far from home and not the right school for S27, but we may look at it for S29, who’s a different kid all together. Good luck and enjoy every moment!

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Glad to hear! My daughter committed to Choate.


Congrats! Was she looking at boarding anywhere else?

My DS27 is heading to Lawrenceville too. We are all so excited.


Us too! Congrats!!


Congratulations @Sroo & @DrPrimo! :tada: :tada: :tada: I have enjoyed and taken much from your thoughtful and insightful perspectives over the past few months, and it’s very exciting to hear the final decisions! Your young people are outstanding, and they are blessed with supportive and engaged parents! They will thrive at Lawrenceville and I look forward to hearing about their continued adventures!