BS/DO General Thread

Thank you so much! LECOM should release their decisions this month…

7 year program

anyone hear from lecom yet?

I’m also waiting… I think they said mid-march?


My DS received this email today from LECOM today

For those of you who applied and received a “successful interview” message, awaiting your video evaluation or are in the process of completing your video interview, the decision on your provisional letter will occur during the week of March 14-18.

Good luck! The last days of waiting are always the longest ))).

Congrats on some BSDO acceptances!
I have a question about Gannon/PCOM combined program. I see on their website that they guarantee only an interview - not even a provisional acceptance. Do I understand it right? If so, what is the point of the program then?

Does anybody know how many spots are in LECOM EAP bsdo program?

Re: Gannon/PCOM

That is correct - there are only 3 guaranteed seats for PCOM at Gannon, any additional students that are accepted are at PCOM’s discretion.

I contacted the admissions office at Gannon to try to find out how many students are offered the position and didn’t really get an answer. Since the acceptance into Gannon/PCOM was issued without an interview, I have to assume that quite a few people got the letter (my guess 15-20) and then your chances of getting into PCOM are dependent on how many people accept the offer.

This is the information that the admission counselor provided (I sent an email in reference to a video interview I had seen)

For the PCOM 4 + 4 program what I said in that video has changed now. For that program qualified students are now only conditionally guaranteed an interview at the time of application to PCOM. PCOM also does have the ability to take up to 3 students from Gannon, but does not guarantee a seat just an interview.

I guess there are two ways to look at this:

  1. You really want to go to Gannon or you competed for their full scholarship and got it. That could possibly make provisional pathway worth it.

  2. This is the only offer you have and you really aren’t certain of the the traditional pathway.

Just bear in mind that none of the programs are truly “guaranteed” because you still have to fulfill all of their requirements. There is an additional risk in this program because more than 3 people could accept the offer and there are technically only 3 seats available, but they do outline their requirements (see below)

Thank you for your detailed reply!
Yes, the acceptances to MS are always provisional. The conditions are usually certain GPA and sometimes (more often than not) MCAT and a few minor things. But having an interview involved makes it very subjective and lacking even provisional guarantee. That’s just the way I look at it (I may be wrong though)…

Can you please let me know if MSU OMSP program is guaranteed or if there is an interview during the 3rd year. I am just wondering if they take more kids into the program and few of them won’t make it to the med school after the interview


This program is not a “guaranteed” seat, but I have been told that about 90% of the students do get in.

The program seems solid with the pre-req that they list out on their website.

They do have an interview:

Participants who have been accepted into OMSP may enter with any MSU major. For those who successfully complete the OMSP requirements with a 3.5 overall and science GPA, we will waive the MCAT. Participants must apply, interview, and be accepted to MSUCOM.

And there is an additional list of requirements on their website:

Thank you for the info!

Does anyone know specific details of the Adelphi/PCOM program or know someone who is in the program? Trying to determine whether the transition from BS to DO is a guarantee (subject to meeting some criteria MCAT/GPA and interview as a formality) OR it is more of where you would still be applying, interviewing and competing with and a group of potential DO applicants?

i think it is the latter with Adelphi/PCOM. Your probably would have to go trough the entire process of application/interview etc. to PCOM. I also am trying to find more information

Which group are you suggesting is it class of 22?

I think next week LECOM EAP is releasing their decisions.

What SAT score makes you competitive for bsdo programs in general? What are your opinions?

No it’s just a general facebook group made years ago.

did anyone get interview invite from Rowan BS/DO yet?