BS in healthcare management, thoughts??

so i was going to do at nursing degree and the classes dont work at all with my work schedule ( unfortunately for me leaving full time work is NOT an option).

So i was looking at online classes at the local private school and i thought the accelerated BS in healthcare managment looked perfect for me. However ive been reading everywhere online that you will absolutely not find a job without a masters degree in this field…and almozt certainly will not get employed unless you are a former or current nurse licensure.

Any thoughts on this degree and field? Should i choose somethint diff or should i go for the healthcare management.

Look at a site like Monster and see what qualifications they are seeking for entry level jobs. You should also go on the jobs websites of some large health care networks and see what they are seeking.

Is this program at a for-profit college? If so, I’d be very wary of the debt, the interest rates on that debt, and the possible inability to have your credits accepted by other colleges.

Healthcare management sounds nice, but it’s too specialized to actually find a job in the field right off the bat.
Nursing has better prospects - is there no school around with 85%+nflex pass rates?

What college offers the degree in healthcare management BTW? Online, no less? Sounds very suspicious to me.

Have you looked at a community college? Community colleges often offer the same course offerings as private for-profits, but at a fraction of the cost. Many community colleges also offer evening part-time nursing classes, as well as online courses in standard subjects.

Many community colleges have a waiting list for their nursing program. However, you could be taking part-time classes to get your general ed and science classes out of the way while you wait to get into the nursing program.

My daughter goes to a 4 year BSN program, but she has clinicals right next to the community college students.

Thx for the replies.

The college offering the healthcare managment is Bellevue University. I have seen alot of colleges offering that course online but i have noticed the jobs open for the degree want you to have already been a nurse or currently be one.

The reason i was not thinking about nursing is that I must work full time ( if not overtime) to make ends meet during nursing school with the class schedule its almost impossible to do that. I also have no family or friends that can help me financially and my credit is marginal.

In your situation, if you want to be a nurse, I’d go part-time for an associates degree in nursing. Then hopefully you can find an employer that will help with funding to eventually get a BSN or a bachelors in health care management.

Jobs in healthcare management are disappearing because of all the hospital mergers. I have a friend with 25 years of experience in that field. She’s gotten laid off three times in the past six years because of hospital mergers.

Ok, Bellevue’s legit… but you still won’t find a job with a BS in that field.
Can you attend part time until you have a LN degree?