<p>bs/md programs (accelerated medical programs)- do you think i will get in?
Ethnicity: South Asian (Indian)
school: private school</p>
<p>applying to: Union/Albany, Siena/Albany, RPI/Albany, UMKC's program, SLU program, Lehigh program, villanova program, NEOUCOM (out of state), UAB program, U of Cincinnati program, drew univ's program</p>
<p>my scores are :
SAT Math- 740
SAT reading- 710
critical reading- 670
act- 33
sat II math 2- 650
sat II chem- 720
sat II phy- 730
sat II lit- 730</p>
<p>and activities-
tennis team varsity (4 yrs) captain sr year
musical fresh, soph, senior year- leads soph and senior
spanish club
latin club- only frosh year
ambassadors club
S.M.A.R.T. team (a research project with the medical school of wisconsin)
research assistant- ever since summer b4 freshman year
volunteer at hospital- 4 years for past 2 years
volunteer at hindu temple
founder of a service group- lasted only a year
shadowed ob/gyn</p>
<p>k i've only taken 3 ap's so far- my school has only offered 4 until senior year
ap microeconomics- 4 (junior year)
ap chem- 4 (junior year)
ap phy- 4 (soph year)</p>
<p>and this year my classes:
ap lit
ap calc bc
ap span
ap bio
honors us hist</p>
<p>Yes, you have a very good chance of getting in a BS/MD program. Did you check out the St. Bonaventure one?..I’m pretty sure you will get into that.</p>
<p>need the GPA…
SAT is kind of low…
“4 years for past 2 years” what does this mean?
overall, you have a chance but prospects are not looking too hot…</p>
<p>I think her SAT score is really good. It is definitely good enough for St. Bonaventure …others, I don’t know much about…but yeah, there are some really competitive BS/MD programs for which you need a really high SAT score.</p>
<p>Which BS/MD program are you looking for admission into supersweet?</p>
<p>her ACT is good enough, so the SAT score dont matter. the SAT 2s are kinda low. i think you have a pretty good shot if your GPA is high.</p>
<p>and 4 years in 2 years means she volunteered in an alternate dimension for two years on top of the regular volunteering, meaning she has 4 years of experience in only 2 years. damn why didnt i think of doing that.</p>
<p>srry sry i meant 4 hours not four years
i listed the programs i am applying to above- they are all bs/md programs- i would repeat the list but, as you can probably tell, it is extremely long</p>
<p>o and i looked at the st. bonaventure program, but they required an SATII in biology, and since i am only half way through AP biology, i did not feel ready enough to take the SATII and decided against the St. Bonaventure program</p>
<p>damn ok then- thnks AMKumar 782- i don’t know if i’m supposed to take you seriously…
but yea our school is very difficult, so my grades are a hell of a lot lower than it would be at a public/easier school, and ok my sat could be better but i’ll get into like at least one program- right?</p>
<p>o yea and the drexel programs are alot harder than the ones i’m applying to- if i ranked them i would say from hardest to easiest it would be…:
Lehigh program
villanova program
SLU program
drew univ’s program
UMKC’s program
U of Cincinnati program
UAB program
NEOUCOM (out of state)</p>
<p>ha i was just kidding. sorry for sounding like an ass. anyways, i think you have a good chance of getting into the drexel program. in my experience, your interview and essay that you write play a really big role so dont worry so much about the grades and sat scores. good luck</p>
<p>FYI, both the Lehigh and Villanova programs are with Drexel’s med school. If the deadline hasn’t past, I’d recommend that you still apply to the drexel undergrad program, as they usually offer students a more in scholarships.
I think you have a decent shot of making it to the interview.</p>
<p>Honey, NEOUCOM (OOS) should be much, much higher on that list. NEOUCOM’s program’s primary purpose is to enlist potential primary care physicians for OHIO. Thus, they accept very few OOS students. They take like max 2 OOS students. Don’t count on that one at all. I wouldn’t even expect an interview.</p>
<p>and when i said drexel programs i meant drexel undergrad- i knew that lehigh and villanova go through the drexel med school, but they’re still easier to get into</p>
<p>and i only applied to NEOUCOM because i have “multiple” relatives who are either a part of the NEOUCOM program or are in it at the moment- one cousin is currently in the program, my uncle is actually on the board for the med school and does interviews for the program, and my other cousin just applied - so i have a slight chance lol</p>
<p>You should have a chance. I agree that NEOUCOM is much harder for OOS, but I see your reasons. One suggestion, if you are applying to Ohio BS/MD’s, why not apply to Toledo? Toledo has 2 BS/MD programs and should be somewhat eisier to get in for OOS than NEOUCOM. Also, if you happened to be National Semifinalist (based on PSAT), you can apply to Ohio State bs/md. Whatever you decide, the best of luck!</p>
<p>Honestly, I think there is very little chance of getting into any, probably drexel’s bs/md if anything. But you’ve got the right approach, your chances will greatly increase if you apply to a lot of programs because sometimes the selection process seem almost random. You might want to retake the math II, anything under 800 for that is kind of embarrassing.</p>
<p>Just apply and see what happen. Make sure to consider various options. Do not be discouraged beforehand, I truly feel you have a chance if you apply widely including some less known programs.</p>
<p>^ITA with MiamiDAP. If I listened to everything I was told, I would have never even applied to the program I graduated from. However, just be prepared with other options because the admissions can be unpredictable. Don’t bank on any one program.</p>
<p>Can anyone enrolled in the bs/md program chance me:</p>
<p>I’m an international Student currently living in Toronto, Canada.
I’m an “asian” student with an American Citizenship.</p>
ACT-33 ( & 9/12 on essay)
Math 2c-800
Physics -800
Korean with listening - 760</p>
<p>AP Physics B - 5
AP Calculus AB -5</p>
<p>IB Program:
English HL - 6
Biology HL - 6
Chemistry HL -7
French SL -5
Geography SL -7
Math SL -7
TOK & Extended Essay -2 (IB Diploma)</p>
<p>Top 5% of </p>
<p>Extra Curricular:
Played school basketball team for 4 years
Played Houseleague basketball for 5 years
School badminton team -1 year
15 Math Contest Certificates and 1 Science contest certificate and 1 biology contest certificate.
Volunteer at Library 100+ (hours)
Volunteer at hospital as a translator for patients 100+
Raised money for Cancer Research, going about neighborhoods 50+
French award (highest mark in grade 10)
Math award (I don’t know if this counts b/c i got it in my gr. 8 grad)
Went to Tijuana, Mexico to help needies 150+
Went to native village to help needies 100+
School Orchestra for 4 years
School Chamber (Advanced) Orchestra for 2 years
LEADER of Church Orchestra for 2 years
Track & Field for 2 years
Math Club for 1 year</p>
<p>I’m applying to a BS/MD program.
Considering my stats and the fact that I’m an “asian” international student with an American Citizenship, which universities(With the particular program) would be realistic for me?</p>
<p>Before enrolling in the IB program I also took the following courses in gr 10:
Physics gr 11 and 12 - 90 and 98 respectively
Chemistry gr 11 - 96 (Took it in IB again)
Math gr 11 - 99 (took it in IB again)</p>