BS/MD Results - Class of 2020

what is the other thread?

@Kader, it’s


Hi all, I am new here, looking for some insights. I am not seeing many stats and results on this thread. I thought this thread was meant for that. Or am I looking in wrong place?

@ramen2020, Just checked your stats, fantastic! Kudos to you for an extraordinary work ethic! A great role model to the kids out there. That is what it takes to get to Brown PLME!

2020 results are not out yet. You can find previous years threads in this forum

Does anyone know when SLU Med Scholars decisions will be released?

Also what do you think average stats are for students accepted into that program

Thank you to everyone on this forum! I started looking at this forum in Sep/Oct of this year. Like ramen2020, I will not be elaborating on details for privacy reasons.

GPA: 4.0 UW

ACT: 35
Math 2 > 760
Chem > 760

12 APs - mostly 5s and 4s.

Teacher / Counselor Recommendations: Don’t know

Medical ECs:

  • Summer Research at a well-known university this past summer, poster presentation at symposium
  • Volunteered at local hospitals the last two years
  • Shadowed with a few doctors for a few days only

Other meaningful ECs as well including starting a club. A few leadership positions such as co-founder and co-captain for a few years.

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:
In-state medical school - accepted
Pitt - interview invite, going in March
WUSL - rejected, before interview
CWRU - rejected, before interview
BU - rejected, before interview
VCU - rejected, before interview
Penn State - rejected, before interview
NU- rejected, before interview
FAU - rejected, before interview
OU - rejected, before interview
Hofstra - rejected, before interview
Brown - most likely a rejection

Decision: In-state Medical program or Pitt (waiting for interview)

It is a long, exhausting process. Like most people have stated, no one knows what these admissions committees are looking for in the applications. Interview acceptances or rejections have no relationship with your scores or accomplishments. It’s no joke when people tell you to apply to 10-15+ programs and hope for the best. The good thing was that my parents told me that I can always go the traditional routes before the rejections started coming in. And they never expressed their disappointment with the rejections so it made the whole process less stressful.

Advice I can give future BS/MD applicants: Essays!!! They are all the same essays. Why medicine? Why the specific undergraduate and the BS/MD program? If you get that down you are all set! Some undergraduate programs have a lot of essays - like Pitt. And they will weed you out at that point.

The process is done for me. I’ve been on college confidential too often and too long. I’m going to be off of college confidential and enjoy the rest of my senior year. The long-timers on here are amazing! And I’m grateful for all their assistance. I hope everyone who asked for advice do their part and post a write-up as well.

Could you please update where my daughter can get EMT Certificate. I talked to community colleges in Colorado and they mentioned that minimum required age is 18 . My daughter is 16 and preparing for BS/MD program

She may be able to volunteer but not be able to take the certification test.

Has anyone heard back from VCU yet??

@veenu , @kkthepinkrose & otherFolks

Please Keep this thread only for results+perspectives.

For questions, please post on this thread:


Congratulations on UCF BMS. My daughter went through UCF BMS, so let me answer some of your questions.

I am grad she went through it. From her perspective, it is OK she went through it.

I am glad, because the cost of her college was not much. I am glad because I am sure of her reasonably straight future career path. I am glad I don’t have to be like many pre-med parents here in large collegeconfidential community, pulling their hairs, not sure whether their kids are competitive, or not, in getting into medical schools.

From her perspective, it was OK. UCF is UCF, academics were manageable. 3.8 and 514 are very doable. Last year, average UCF BMS students finished college with 3.9 and MCAT 517. My daughter too a GAP year after college. I think most her peers from BMS took a year off this year. That is the trend this year.

Interview during third year is a formality. On 10/15, students will be notified of acceptance. They can stay, GAP, or go elsewhere.

The biggest obstacle of UCF BMS or any BSMD program is the commitment of kids to this medicine business. At the beginning, 100% (may be slightly less than 100%) of the parents want their kids to go to medical schools. But from the kids’ perspective, I am sure the percentage is way LESS than full commitment, for they really have no idea what they are getting into. Thus the attrition of not making it through BSMD is, not so much academic part, but the " I am not really sure" aspect. Parents can talk, but the students’ commitment may not follow.

I have a feeling my daughter wished for a bigger name school. Bigger name means Ivies, Stanford, Duke, Chicago, not UF, UMichigan, or UCB tier.

So, if your kid is pretty sure (that is the most challenging part) that medicine is the thing for him, UCF BMS is a wonderful way to go forward. If he is not so sure, try big name college, give him some time to figure out.

are you in FL? which school did you get in in-state

Congratulations on your acceptance to Brown PLME. Your hard work paid off! You have a strong profile.

Congratulations on your acceptance to in-state BS-MD. Good Luck with Pitt interview. You are not alone in this and Pitt will do the best they can in these difficult times…
On the other hand, you will be a Doctor no matter where you end up studying!

Best of luck for the Pitt and congratulations @orm2022

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Hi everyone, I am kinda new to this forum. I would appreciate if you guys could suggest any good BSMD application advisors or those advisors which you choose and what to give importance while choosing the advisors. Thank you

@bsmdasp You need more posts and then people can message you.

This is for posting results for BSMD applicants.