BU College of Communication or UIUC college of Media?

<p>Hi. I’m a prospective freshman for class of 2014.
I got into BU College of Communication and UIUC College of Media this year.
I’m an Asian American who lives out of state.
What worries me is the tuition fee and campus life of BU.
I heard that BU COM is one of the hardest communication school to get into while UIUC has
a little bit higher quality and rank than BU’s.
Personally I want to go to BU but I’m worried about if I can get enough financial aid than UIUC.
Also I have to convince my parents of the safeness of campus life at BU since I’m a girl and it is the first time for my parents to send their daughter away.
( My parents and I read from a book that BU’s secureness around the campus is not that good…(?))</p>

<p>Anyone from BU for response is really welcomed:-D</p>

<p>Boston and BU’s secureness around the campus is very good. You should come and see so that you can feel it. I live near Boston and will go to UC COM!</p>

<p>You have to see what the numbers are to know. I don’t know squat about Illinois. It’s not a well known school on the east coast and even when I lived in Michigan it wasn’t a big name except in Big 10 sports. </p>

<p>If you want to work in Illinois, I suppose UI is better known there.</p>

<p>BU is very safe. Probably safer than a college town. I live nearby. You can look up on crimereports.com the crime in the areas. It isn’t much, especially when you take out minor incidents late at night.</p>