BU English Department

<p>Does anyone have any experience with the English department at BU? I want to major in English, and the quality of BU’s English department is really what will make or break my decision to go there. Their faculty seems great (ie. Ha Jin and Leslie Epstein), but the most renowned professors seem to teach only graduate classes. How is the undergrad program for English majors at BU?</p>

<p>Can’t answer but James Winn was probably the best teacher I ever had.</p>

<p>Anyone else? Surely someone has to have taken an English course…</p>

<p>Well, everyone takes a Writing class, but those are so varied, and probably not a good representation of the English department. I’ve heard and good and bad about professors, but the two I had for WR100 and WR150 were great.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t think there’s actually a lot of crossover between professors between the writing and English departments</p>

<p>According to the English Department website, there are usually around 400 English majors at BU. I would think someone here would have some experience with the English dept. (whether they majored/minored in English, or simply took classes).</p>

<p>This board is not heavily frequented by active BU students. We’re lucky to have a few who post regularly to offer advice. You can ask on BUnite, the livejournal forum, but remember that it’s August.</p>

<p>also keep in mind that that’s 400 students out of 16,000. I think I’ve known 2 English majors in my time here haha</p>

<p>I’ve never met any haha but I’m an engineer so we don’t really share that many classes.</p>

<p>Lergnom, ditto: James Winn’s class was exhilarating, easily the single best class I took in college.</p>

<p>I had him at a different school and he was so good that many, many years later the group decided to give him an award / gift as thanks.</p>