Bu ftw

<p>I was just wondering what the acceptance rate is for BU and how many applicants they receive? I cant seem to find it anywhere on their website. Also does anyone know which college is the hardest to get into in BU? Is the engineering college hard to get into? srry i have a lot of questions but the BU website didnt answer any of them.</p>

<p>Acceptance rate for Regular Decision hovers @57-59% – fairly high for such a good school. They accept about 16,000 kids with the hopes of matriculating 4,000 in the end.
Some people tell you that admission to each college is equal, but I think that is bunk. I know their Communications is tough as is the Engineering and Management. I dunno though – maybe all the admissions requirements are equal.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>yeah, all the admissions requirements are equal. obviously that excludes CGS and the accelerated medical programs</p>

<p>what is the acceptance rate for ED applicants for school of COMMUNICATIONS and for CGS?</p>