<p>I will be auditioning for the BU school of theatre as a transfer student. I was wondering, what were your experiences auditioning for the BU school of theatre? Was it very intimidating? How did the audition for you? Any information about your experience would be helpful.
Anything about the BU School of Theatre would be helpful honestly.
Thank you.</p>
<p>Hi spidergirl - the BU audition that my son had was very relaxed, and interactive - LOL! Meaning that he did his monologues and then the faculty had him try doing the monologue a different way (not walking backwards or anything like that, just presenting it differently). So they worked with him. That is all I got out of him, other than he did a funny though terribly inappropriate monologue that got the folks laughing!</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>It was a fun audition for my son, too; lasted close to 20 minutes, very detailed conversation with Paolo, who gave him some valuable feedback and long-term advice. This was the only school that gave him an adjustment–seemed like they did that with everyone that day. Best part: absolutely every kid came out of their audition smiling</p>
<p>Ditto. It was a very interactive audition, lasted about 20 minutes, and was enjoyable.
Paolo is a very engaging guy, and he does all of the auditions. He did ask for adjustments
in the audition, and at one point, stopped and asked why his character was so angry which was an original question. </p>
<p>Good luck.</p>
<p>My S did not get Paolo at the NYC auditions in February. There were 2 other men – one older, and one younger. After a terrific info session with Paolo, S was hoping to get him. Then we watched the older man come in and out of the audition room all day, smiling and laughing and being very nurturing to the kids. So then S was hoping to get him. As luck would have it, my S got the younger guy, and he wasn’t so nice. He was intimidating. There were only 2 auditions out of 13 that he felt were bad experiences, and this was one of them. I hope you get Paolo! Best of luck!</p>