BU versus Northeastern versus U Miami (College of Arts and Sciences)

<p>I am deciding between going to BU, Northeastern, or U Miami and I am completely torn between them. I know I would fit in okay in pretty well in the north east, but I am not so sure about Miami. I'm more of a laid back person and I'm afraid I won't find many people like me in U Miami (due to its reputation of being a party school). I really have pros and cons for both schools: BU's grade deflation, Northeastern's lack of parties, and U Miami's wild reputation, etc. </p>

<p>If you could help me by giving me a little insight into the schools I would greatly appreciate it!!</p>

<p>There are plenty of students at Miami who are not fanatical party people. BU and Northeastern are both intensely urban schools with virtually no green space on campus. Miami is in a beautiful suburb with a campus which looks like a resort. It’s a very different feel.I’m not sure I would describe the atmosphere at either BU or Northeastern as “laid back”.</p>

<p>University of Miami IS the northeast! :slight_smile: It is filled with kids from that part of the country! </p>

<p>I’m in the same boat, and am pretty sure that I am choosing the []_[]. I think that it will be better for both my mental and physical health.</p>

<p>“Party school” for the ones that do not need the grade, otherwise be prepared to study hard.</p>