BU vs. Georgetown in mass communication

<p>Hi, I'm in the dilemma of choosing a graduate program between these two schools.
I was admitted to BU's communication studies and Gtown's CCT(culture, communication and technology). As far as I know, BU's program is more practical while CCT is more theoretical-based. But I believe Gtown has a better overall prestige than BU. I just don't know whether CCT is a good program for me if my future goal is to be a media professional.</p>

<p>Both are good schools with wonderful location and plenty of opportunities.</p>

<p>I need your advice! Thanks~</p>

<p>What is the relative cost for these two choices? Which school appeals to you more otherwise for reasons other than prestige? Where do graduates of each program get jobs? Have you talked over your concerns with professors at either school?</p>

<p>Thank you! I’ve talked to a professor of Gtown and he told me the main difference of these two programs is BU is more practical and track focused on mass communication while Gtown is more theoretical. As for the cost, the two programs are almost the same. I think I should learn about more info about them. Thank you again~</p>

<p>I guess what I would want to find out is what happens to their graduates. Good luck.</p>