bug/404 on University Honors app?

Is anyone else having this problem?

On the second page of the UH app, it asks for all of your DE/AP/IB classes. I was able to successfully submit each class field by field (i.e. type in the class/type of class/score on exam, click submit/save, go back and do the next one individually), UNTIL the last two fields. I tried submitting the second to last class and it gives me a 404. Same for the last class. I’ve tried different computers and browsers. No luck.

I don’t really know what to do. Call Tech? Thank goodness for the extension on the deadline (now Dec. 8, for those of you that haven’t yet heard).

I have that problem too

Are you still having the problem with the UH App?

@SALSRL yes.

@purplepiano My S submitted his application yesterday and just wanted to see if we should anticipate a problem when he gains access to the UH Application. Thanks for the info.