<p>Gpa 3.90 weighted<----re-took some classses in summer school
sat-around 1500
4 year varsity lacrosse
some all-state, all-division stuff for lacrosse
4 year symphony orchestra....weird cause i suck at violin
president of orchestra
editor in chief of school newspaper
treasurer of bpa
team leader, random awards for science olympiad
student council president</p>
<p>summer school thing is ticking me off, my freshman year and part of sophomore year slacked off so i had to retake freshman/sophmore classes junior and senior year...
7 periods for 4 years...ugh</p>
<p>anway, interested in midrange/low-high end schools.
Im looking to major in business.</p>
<p>so far:</p>
<p>U of Mich., U penn, columbia.</p>
<p>U of mich, cause im instate, upenn because i heard it has a really good business grad school, and columbia because its in NY, haha.</p>
<p>How about University of Chicago. Its in a big city, which I think you want seeing that you're applying to Columbia because its in NYC. Its also a really good school, but has some provocative essay questions.</p>
<p>u of chicago...will look into it.
Im also interested in dartmouth and duke, i heard they where both good schools.
celebrian25 im looking for a college with a nice campus, (looks like penn is ruled out!) and generally a good atmosphere...dunno but whenever harvard, yale and MIT come to mind i always think of the color gray...weird</p>
<p>Washington U in St. Louis has one of themost beautiful campuses in the country, located in a beautiful residential area of St. Louis near a fabulous park, kids are from all over and FRIENDLY--smart kids who like to party. Ranked #11 by USNWR--check it out.</p>
<p>1) Best Quality of life + Academics if you want a "college" experience with bonfires, randomness (like sledding, road trips, etc), parties, great undergrad academics, etc: Dartmouth and Duke</p>
<p>Dartmouth, Duke are awesome places to spend four years and are a great set-up into banking/ consulting with and econ major. Penn College also fits this mold.</p>
<p>2) Business schools: Wharton, Michigan, MIT Sloan are all top notch for you. </p>
<p>PS- I would honestly seriously look into Columbia before applying. Its in NYC, but the truth is you trade college spirit and undergraduate focus for being in the city. And often most people rarely stray away from local bars anyway. I think its amazing for grad school, but takes a very specific type of person to enjoy it for undergrad.</p>