<p>I had a bad experience in high school with them, so my question is there any people that go out of their way to make you feel bad?</p>
<p>In college? I think they’re extremely rare, at least i’ve never encountered it.</p>
<p>I agree. You choose who you associate with more than high school.</p>
<p>haha… in college people will at most ignore you. well, at least at a half decent college</p>
<p>Unless you join a fraternity or sports organization you have absolutely nothing to worry about in that area.</p>
<p>As everyone else has said, it’s extremely rare you’ll encounter a bully. Most people have matured (somewhat) past that point.</p>
<p>I agree, most people matured and the schools are pretty big so you won’t even have to ever see them again if you don’t want to . Hell I see some of my friends once a year passing by on campus.</p>
<p>And besides, something like bullying’s taken pretty seriously at this point. If anybody causes you bodily harm, you can pretty much call the cops on them and they won’t be underage anymore (for the most part) so they’ll actually be in jail LOL.</p>
<p>Some people can be jerks, but the brilliant thing about college is that you get to pick who you want to be around and the professors do not put up with bull in smaller classes where someone might have the opportunity to be a ****** otherwise, especially. In bigger classes it’s even less of a worry because you basically sit there and listen to the prof for an hour, no time for anyone of you 400 people to say anything anyway. And outside of class, you do not have to be around anyone you don’t want to!</p>
<p>i dont know, there’s a kid on my floor who picks on his kind of awkward/weird roommate constantly…we all feel pretty bad.</p>