<p>Has anyone here ever had a teacher bump a semester grade up a significant amount?</p>
<p>Like say.... a 87.5 (B) to an 89.5 (A)</p>
<p>If so, how? What did it take??</p>
<p>Has anyone here ever had a teacher bump a semester grade up a significant amount?</p>
<p>Like say.... a 87.5 (B) to an 89.5 (A)</p>
<p>If so, how? What did it take??</p>
<p>the most i’ve ever had was my 88.2% bumped up to an A-
the teacher was a waterpolo coach so he was pretty cool.
i also kinda begged him? i was just saying “PLEASE” and i sent him this email that was also like “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE” and a story of why it was really important to me lol</p>
<p>plus it coulda been because there were only 2 other people with A’s in his class. so he probably wanted more.</p>
<p>I want my 87.5 in honors algebra 2 to be an A. I feel so jipped, ya know. This is my first B ever.</p>
<p>My physics c teacher has the most awesome grading system.</p>
<p>My test average 1st quarter was like a 70 and I was freaking because it was one of those classes where tests are like the only thing that goes in the gradebook (no HW, projects, etc.).</p>
<p>Once the grades were all in, he tells the whole class their averages (a lot of other people in the class were also doing pretty poorly BTW). The lowest grade was a 90, I got a 95. We were all like ***?</p>
<p>His logic? A 65 on the AP is a 5, so any test average 65 and above is surely an A.</p>
<p>Back to your question. In all seriousness, why would it matter to you unless you had the same teacher? The only universal persuasive techniques are bribery and torture, take your pick.</p>
<p>To answer the question, it matters to me because its only %2 from an A.
And I stayed after school to get help and wasted a lot of time doing then.
It angers me that I could have gotten the same letter grade at say, a 79.5 with much less effort. Im not trying to whine and i dont want to be flamed. but is there any hope? i asked him if there was anything i could do and he said no basically but in different words. my parents know and they are going to email him… though i doubt it will do much good</p>
<p>I’ve never had a grade bumped up THAT much.</p>
<p>Guys, this is a good reason to remain on good terms with your teachers. Shut your mouth in class, contribute when appropriate, and turn stuff in on time. The GPA difference between B+ and A- is huge.</p>
<p>If your parents’ email doesn’t do anything, then there is nothing you can do.</p>
<p>87.5 is not really close to 90. If you had an 89, maybe you’d have a case, but 2.5 points away is a huge gap for you to bridge by a little whining.</p>
<p>there are most likely plenty of kids in your class that got an 89.5 the real way. Why should you get the same privilege when you got lower grades? It’s not fair at all if you look at it from the other end. Averages don’t just happen, you knew it was coming.</p>
<p>^^^ I’ve thought about that, but I figure theres no use in not trying one last effort</p>
<p>Honestly, I don’t think that would be fair. It’s not close enough to be a 90. I know getting one B sucks if you have all other As but don’t worry, it will only make you improve next time. I am the same as you, I got 1 B in a math class as well and it was my first B.</p>