Burnett Honors College Admissions

<p>I just created this thread to congratulate everyone who was accepted the Burnett Honors College this eyar.</p>

<p>Because I was accepted, I recently visited for an honors information session. Some of the students there were Juniors who asked about the admissions process. Though the final statistics aren't available yet because last minute applications are still being reviewed, they said applications to Burnett unexpectedly doubled this year and it caused the acceptance rate to drop to 20%. Also, while last year Tower III was only 80% honors students, the entire tower is already booked with honors students before the application process is over, obviously because of the increase of applications.</p>

<p>So, congrats to everyone who got in after clearly the most competitive admissions cycle for Burnett, ever.</p>

<p>Wow. No one else I know personally applied, so I wasn't sure what percentage actually made it through...</p>

<p>Oops. I meant "year." How embarrassing. :(</p>

<p>is honors hard?</p>

<p>Well, on their website it doesn't say it's any harder than any other UCF curriculum, but there are certain requirements to remain in the program and get the benefits, like GPA and a minimum number of honors classes to take. In other words, it doesn't make getting a diploma harder, but that assumes dropping out of honors later is ok with you.</p>

<p>My S has done well in the four honors courses he's taken this first year -- five, if you count symposium. He said he did feel as though he may have worked a little harder than some of his non-honors contemporaries who took the same classes non-honors. However, he said that could also be contributed to the individual teacher as well as the fact you are competing in the class with all honors kids. But ... it wasn't more difficult than any AP class he had in H.S. He's scheduled next year for two of the interdisciplinary seminars. We'll see how those go because they are not just a regular class with an honors designation, i.e. freshman comp honors. He'll be taking Camelot to Spamelot, an examination of king arthur in print, on stage, and on screen. And, he'll be taking, essentially, Bible as Literature. These courses will be more interdisciplinary in nature; I think he's looking forward to that. He wanted the videogaming seminar, but even with his advance registration there was no hope getting in. Maybe as a senior. </p>


<p>From zebes' description and the Burnett's website's description, it sounds like most of the honors classes are kind of like electives -- delving into something that isn't necessarily a required class as far as general education goes.</p>

<p>Does that assumption sound accurate?</p>

<p>Not necessarily.</p>

<p>The 4 honors classes that my son has taken as a freshman are honors versions of required courses: english comp, econ, calc 3, and speech. There is also honor psychology, etc. The honors classes are often much smaller than the non-honors equivalent.</p>

<p>There are interdisciplinary honors courses, but there are also major-specific upper level honors courses. </p>

<p>You'll see courses in the catalog that have the exact same course number, but an additional "H" after the number. Those are honors courses.</p>

<p>Just curious- are the Honors classes restricted to BHC students, or do they let non-Honors students take them along with the Honors students?</p>

<p>They're restricted to the BHC students. That's how they keep the class sizes down. However, most of the classes honors students take are not honors classes and are taken with the rest of the student body.</p>

<p>hey dvm do you know if theres a place where we can see if we got into burnett yet? or is it only by mail..</p>

<p>It's only by mail, and last year they were very quick in replying. Don't know about this year.</p>


<p>Yep. I got *<strong><em>ed.
Just recieved my rejection letter in the mail today. There goes my ticket out of my *</em></strong>ty house.</p>

<p>Bump. I know that there aren’t any official minimums for Burnett, but honestly, what are the lowest stats you’ve seen getting accepted?</p>

<p>Probably me, 1300/1850 sats, 3.6 uw</p>

<p>well it would appear that there’s a small glimmer of hope for me! because i have about a 3.6 uw and 1210/1600 (that’s not so good) 1880/2400. Math kicks my butt. I got a 680 in reading, 670 in writing, and a 530 in math! UGH. I would really love to get into the honors program but it looks like my test score just isn’t high enough :(</p>

<p>For anyone interested, the admissions statistics for the 2008 honors freshman are now up on UCF’s website, though they’re hidden:</p>

<p>[Executive</a> Daily Reports - FTIC Profile](<a href=“http://www.irweb2.ucf.edu/dashboard/db_ftic.asp?tm=FA&yr=2008]Executive”>http://www.irweb2.ucf.edu/dashboard/db_ftic.asp?tm=FA&yr=2008)</p>