
<p>I have been going to on-line school full-time for 8 months(fall 2011-Summer 2012) and am full time for summer as well. I have been finding myself procrastinating more than usual and just not caring about assignments. I am usually a perfectionist but I think I have lost the interest. Any help for this, I do not work but am actively job hunting because I think a break would be of use or at least not full-time. Am I just a wimp/lazy or am I burnout? any advice is helpful. I am an undergraduate in Cyber Security, going into senior year.</p>

<p>Nothing we can really do to get you back on track. The way I control my tendency to procrastinate is using something like Astrid Task Manager, and assigning myself tasks each day. I don’t do anything fun until I am finished with everything. The faster I work, I know I’m getting faster to actually doing something I enjoy like programming or games.</p>

<p>I actually understand your feeling, I used to be a perfectionist and I started getting that senioritis, but Astrid and constantly reminding myself that I’ll end up in the back of the unemployment/soup kitchen line if I don’t push myself helped.</p>