Bursley vs. Baites II

How to compare Bursley vs. Baites II? I know Baites has bathrooms shared between 2 rooms vs. Bursley has public ones.
And it sounds like Bursley is more social. However, I would appreciate if someone would answer:

  1. What about room sizes? Which one has bigger rooms? More closet space? Is the furniture exactly the same? Could not find any reference to the floor plans or room sizes on the Housing website.
  2. Was Baites II renovated more recently?
  3. Which one has better study areas/computer rooms/ places for study?
  4. Which one has a better option for practicing music? My kid is an engineering major who still wants to continue playing his instrument
  5. Other advantages/disadvantages?


Hello People who lived on North Campus or their parents! Can someone please do the comparison in terms of room size, storage/closet space, renovation, options for practicing cello?

My son has been in Northwood 3 apartments on North. and they are a nice size. But that’s not going to help you.

They both have places to study, but I am not entirely sure which one is better for it. Baits is significantly less social (many disconnected buildings with units rather than a huge building with multiple wings of units). I do not know about the music practice situation for either building, but you can maybe reach out to Housing, the Michigan Residence Halls Association, or both, to get their 2 cents.

@Mimomofthree -

My D was in Baits her freshman year (2014-2015). Baits is quieter and less social than Bursley, and doesn’t have a cafeteria in it (you have to walk a very short distance to cafe in Bursley). Baits is suite-style and Bursley is hall baths. Not sure about how room sizes in the two compare. Furniture is same/similar.

Baits was renovated in 2012, and it has multiple room layouts. My D was in a suite-style double with shared bath (4 girls total) and it was quite large. In each “half” (a 2-room double for 2 girls), the hallway door enters into one room (the “sitting room”). There is a door on one side of the room that leads to the second room (“bedroom”) and a door on the other side that leads to the shared bath. The double on the other side is the mirror image.

My D was dual degree music performance and engineering. She kept her horn in a locker at music building and always practiced there so not sure what the practice rooms are like in either dorm. She kept her spare horn in her dorm room with no problem (could have fit a cello).

Hope this helps!