<p>Does anyone know what bus to take to get to S Meadows St (RT 13,34,96)?</p>
<p>Does anyone know what bus to take to get to S Meadows St (RT 13,34,96)?</p>
<p>or basically how to get to walmart/lowes. (wheres edit button?)</p>
<p>i think you can only edit up until like 20 mins or a half hour after you post or something</p>
<p>I'm too lazy to search at the moment, but go to tcatbus.com and use the trip planner thing... it worked great for me the first time I went to the Pyramid mall.</p>
<p>I did, apparently 15 and 67 goes there but 67 doesn't stop there or sometihng according to the map and i can't see 15 cause of error.</p>