Business Double Major. Need Help!

<p>So I just finished my first year and a half of college and I have been struggling to decide what major I would like to declare. When I applied to my university, I stated I would be majoring in finance and have already begun taking some of the intro courses along with the basic business/liberal arts core requirements. I have recently had some second thoughts however and have come to realize I dont really know what I want to do with my career. Theres so many possibilities and so many subjects that interest me.</p>

<pre><code> To begin with, I have always had an interest in psychology and international studies (i love travelling); but growing up in a very wealthy town full of business executives has led me to feel business is the way to go (finance, ib, accounting etc. As a result of my interests, one may assume international business would be a great choice for me (and maybe it is); but I have heard it is one of those majors that you should double up with another because it isn't very marketable on its own (like finance or accounting). Realistically, I understand that this is a personal choice and that my future job may turn out to be none of the choices I have laid out today. Therefore, maybe the best choice would be to avoid my interests and pick a more "safer" degree to up my chances of assuring myself a job? But maybe not haha

<p>Essentially, all im looking for is some general feed back regarding my choices along with some other possibilites. As of now, my choices are:</p>

<li>Possibly accounting because of its "safer" employment possibilities</li>
<li>International business (probably along with something else)</li>
<li>and Industrial/organizational psychology with a double major/minor in business management. (However, I think another major would be best)</li>

<p>I understand that these are entirely different business areas but maybe some of you have some suggestions. Maybe a double major in international business and accounting/finance would also work? I really appreciate any feedback. Thanks.</p>

<p>Oh and the workload shouldn't be a problem If i decide to double major as I do a decent job keeping my grades at a respectable level. I know I could handle the workload. Thanks again.</p>