<p>I am a college freshman, and single mom(I decided to go back to college to earn a degree after my divorce I had in December 2013.)And I am in a community college 2 year transfer program. And I have my major set as business. Business I feel is a good overall degree I feel around where I live it would be a good degree. I live in a small town where you are lucky to have a degree at all. Anyways, a business major sounds great to me its a more hands off job. Not a very physical heavy duty type of degree. Anyways my real passion is computers, I am not really worried about my degree of chosing this semester because I am taking basic classes that need to be taken anyway. I would love a computer science degree and I know the 4 year University I want to get into, in a couple years. Is there a type of Business degree I could get that involves computers. I am into software engeneering and development, or mobile app development. So I figured a computer science degree would be perfect. But I am just so terrible at Math. I have a learning disability in math. What degree do you think would be best for me and the career path I want to take?</p>
<p>Computer Science literally revolves around Math. If you have all of your Business Math done, you would need to take College Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus Physics I, Calculus Physics II and possibly Calculus III and/or Calculus Physics III depending on the school. These are all very math-intense classes.</p>
<p>Does your school offer a Business Information Systems or Computer Information Systems degree? It might be more up your ally - less Math intensive and usually has many of the same Business classes in common.</p>
<p>They do offer a computer information systems degree, thank you I think that would be right up my alley, I honestly dont think I could handle all that Math, I am in Remedial Math Lit right now.</p>
<p>CIS sounds like the best match for you. I think its like a computer science degree with business related applications.</p>