Business school-What does it take?

<p>What does it take to get admitted to the business school after freshman year? Am I right that at Wisconsin you get admitted to the university and then after freshman year you apply to the Business school? What type of stats do you need and what % of students get admitted?</p>

<p>Read these threads and let me know if you have any other questions (generally, a 3.5 GPA and some extracurriculars like Alpha Kappa Psi or Badger Business Buddies, admission rate varies, and now B School is going to a once a year admission process so past statistics may not be comparable/relevant):</p>

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<p>I think the Fall 2010 numbers give a good indication under the new system. Still a 3.5 or so GPA gives you a very good chance with nearly 70% getting in overall. Leadership/activities count too.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s not hard to get in if you maintain a high GPA. You are required to submit a few extracurricular activities and references; so you have to do at least SOMETHING to get in.</p>

<p>There are good fallback options if you don’t get in. The HE school offers consumer science and retailing majors, which strongly overlap with finance and marketing respectively. Economics (or AAE) is always an option and it doesn’t require an application–it’s probably as rigorous as any major in the b-school besides Actuarial Science anyways. L&S offers Computer Science which is a better alternative to Info Systems. Stats is a good option instead of RMI or AS. Besides accounting, you can pretty much replace any major in the business school with a comparable one in the L&S, HE or Ag school.</p>

<p>Also, there are many other UW schools that offer business degrees so you can easily transfer if a particularly vocational major (accounting) interests you.</p>

<p>Do you have to apply after freshman year to the engineering school too? I cannot seem to find stats for that? That is another consideration for me. I have been on both the WI Business and WI engineering and the engineering website is hard to follow and does not have much information as far has what you need to do to transfer in after freshman year?</p>

<p>Yes, apply after freshmen year for engineering too. A few majors are very competitive and you apply to the eng major. For business the major does not matter much if at all.</p>

<p>Engineering majors require L&S math and science courses so students will typically start there and take any recommended intro engineering courses along with the math/science they need. You will get a SOAR Engineering advisor if you put your intention to major in engineering in the place for it on forms (I’m not privy to student info so I don’t know exactly where). You need to decide which advising service you want before SOAR- engineering, business or the default cross college one for those who don’t specify a proposed major that generates a more specific type of advising. Some engineering majors are highly competitive- check the individual majors for the specific requirements. You need to decide which engineering fields interest you as they are so varied.</p>