Business undergrad safety schools

hi, i am a current high school junior.

im looking for undergrad safety schools with a good business program

preferably in texas, new england, east coast, or california

any suggestions?


It would be helpful if you could provide some more information to get a good list of suggestions. Your current high school stats and a list of colleges that you are considering would be a good starting point.


What are your stats? Right now as a Junior, I would focus on trying to figure out what you are looking for in a college. Maybe plan a couple of college visits to see what interests you. What state do you live in? Are you targeting any reach schools?

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Are you able to pay full cost of attendance anywhere you get accepted?

hard to define “safety school” for you without your GPA and standardized test scores.

What is your state of residence!


Impossible to answer without your academic stats, financial limits, state of residence etc.

But as a general rule it is always good to apply to a couple of match/safety schools through a non-binding EA or rolling program so you hopefully have an acceptance by December.


Here’s something that may help those who want to contribute advice. The OP posted this a year ago as a 10th grader.

To conserve space, I left out the lengthy EC list


Hard to tell without your stats but if you are a top student, some safety colleges for business might be: Santa Clara (CA), Pepperdine (CA), University of San Diego (CA), SMU (TX)

One wild card might be that you are from Alabama and colleges in regions such as CA and the Northeast might be looking for top stat students from under represented.

You didn’t mention WA state but University of Washington (Seattle) has a very good business program (Foster School of Business), that has direct admit into the program for high stat students and possibility for the Gold & Purple scholarship. Not sure I would call it a safety (maybe a low match) but worth a look.


thanks for posting this, i was looking for it but couldnt find it

that post is kinda outdated though, so here are my recent stats:

UW gpa: 3.94
taking like 5 IB classes this year and 5 next year (on IB Diploma track)
i took a practice SAT test over the summer and got like a 1520

@socaldad2002 @happy1 @thumper1 @Novacat9191 @RBMart1


alabama, but not interested in state schools for safeties, really want to get out of the state

@ferociousflames You might want to look to get a baseline actual SAT score under your belt.

Some potential match/safeties for the northeast with strong business programs.

Penn State
William and Mary


Bentley would likely be a safety.
American safety-ish.

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thanks, ill look into these

SCU is a target that heavily considers demonstrated interest and SMU is a reach for business. Low target, TCU

Here is a list with some acceptance rates - big caveat, this is already outdated (typically acceptance rates are lower under the current test optional policies). Some are overall for the university, some are specific to the undergrad business program: Poets&Quants For Undergrads - Average SAT Scores In P&Q's 2020 Undergraduate Ranking For safeties, I would look at those with an acceptance rate well over 50% and of course make sure the school is affordable before putting it in your safety category (use the Net Price Calculator if aid is needed; if you require merit to attend and the merit is not automatic, then the school isn’t a safety).


Caveat: some universities use a two-step selection process.
For instance, your application will be considered first for UMD overall, then separately for Business (which is a limited enrollment major). So you could be admitted to UMD but not business (which is more difficult to get into than UMD, which itself has become pretty selective).
At Penn State, you have a good odds of being admitted straight to Smeal and perhaps even Sapphire depending on other factors, but you’ll need to complete major pre-reqs and get a B+ average regardless.

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thanks, ill look into this

Northeast: UConn has an excellent undergrad business program, especially for accounting, and its business program has its own separate Career Services, which is outstanding. Rutgers is very strong for undergrad business too. Syracuse and Fordham are also good, but they are a lot more expensive.

I put this in another thread, but I would strongly consider whether you plan on getting an MBA when you select your undergraduate business program. How much do you want to spend on undergrad if you know you are going to spend $200k+ on grad school?

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thanks, i really never thought about the whole MBA thing. ill be sure to think about it now

Note that some (top) MBAs don’t like students with business undergraduate degrees, so that for these universities you’re better off with an economics or quantitative degree.
However, a good undergrad business degree should open many careers on its own.
Note also that if interested in marketing, you’d need minor in statistics for best prospects due to the career’s evolutions.

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USC in Columbia has a great business school, excellent international business option with time abroad, honor scholarships, and merit.

College of Charleston has a lot of business internship opportunities with several large international companies in the area.

UNH’s business school is in the heart of a beautiful NE campus and very well thought of with great opportunities:

Mercer in Atlanta is an interesting safety and they have great options to intern.

Providence College in RI, maybe.


Quinnipiac has a 3+1 program, undergrad and mba in 4 years, that might interest you.