
<p>I’m interested in a minor in business at UCD, however i can’t seem to find anything about a business or business management department. Do they not offer this major/minor at UCD?</p>

<p>Just so everyone knows, UCD offers no business management majors or minors. You'd have to go to Haas, UCI, or Riverside for business.</p>

<p>Anyone who posts after me asking about UCD offering business is clearly not listening to me!</p>

<p>well that's lame!</p>

<p>Look into managerial economics... that's what all the business-y people major in. But yeah, that's just not a UC thing... kinda like journalism. It's just not considered something you can major in. Try a CSU if you really want it.</p>

<p>i heard that since uc's are "research" schools, they're designed to prepare you for grad school so that you can become a professor, researcher, or doctor, instead of becoming instant real-world employees. uc grads are the ones who come up with the ideas, and csu grads use them, or something. of course, you can go to a uc and use ideas as well, in fact a uc education might be backwards compatible with what you can get at a csu, since it's easier to learn the applications if you already know the theory</p>

<p>I'm planning to become a business major after graduating here at UCD. Right now I'm an economics major, and that is basically pre-business here. You can either choose that or managerial econ. After this, I plan on taking business school at one of the other UCs.</p>

<p>UC Davis does have a “Business” major - It is called Managerial Economics.</p>

<p>Unlike Economics, which is located in a completely different college by the way, Managerial Economics strays from pure theory. You will take a couple of theory-based classes in Econ to secure a base-level of knowledge. After that, you can take a variety of pratical classes like Marketing, Tax Accounting, etc. Yes, its not your typical business major. However, the good thing is that the major is varied and allows you to take a very wide range of classes that expose you to theory, practical business, agricultural business (if you are interested), and the major forces you to take a lot of general education classes…which gives you more exposure to new topics. Main point: its a useful major and very marketable post-graduation, due to its unique name and structure.</p>