<p>So i already submitted my SIR to Riverside, but i really wanted to go to UCD. Thankfully, i was offered a spot and I immediately accepted. </p>
<p>Yet, i now have to cancel my SIR for UCR.</p>
<p>I read that you can’t have an SIR for more than one uc. Now, i already sent an email to ucr admissions, but obviously the lady at the front desk said that it would take a while to get to.
So i’m opting to send a fax tomorrow stating that i am canceling my SIR.</p>
<p>Will UCD penalize me because as of now i’ve accepted 2 school offers, when technically i can only accept one.</p>
<p>no, the uc waitlist encouraged for applicants to sir another uc until they get accepted.
you only got 3 days to sir for ucd, too little time to cancel ucr sir… so yah, ucd would understand</p>
<p>How many days do you have to cancel a SIR?</p>
<p>congrats on getting off the waitlist! what major did you get in for??</p>
<p>@Wickfield: I don’t know. I didn’t think that there was a time span of when i could cancel my SIR. I just thought before orientation? Maybe i’m wrong.</p>
<p>@currynriceman: I got in for international agricultural development (LOL most people don’t know about this major. haha they’re all clueless when i tell them )</p>
<p>It took me all of 30 seconds to revoke my SIR from UCI. There was a button just below “Submit your housing request” that said “Changes to SIR”. I pushed “I will Decline”, and put I’m attending UC Davis. Then I SIR’d to UC Davis. I’d imagine UCR is similar. It shouldn’t take any time at all.</p>
<p>where the hell do you find that button on the ucr website -_-</p>
<p>I couldn’t find that button either.</p>
<p>what i did was send the student admissions a fax (it’s the fastest way possible) that contained a few sentences that stated that I,(insert name), would like to cancel my sir because i got accepted to another school.</p>
<p>Then provide them with you full name, UCR SID, UC application number, UCR account username (this is just in case), and your DOB.</p>
<p>Then call them back a few hours later and ask if they received it or not. </p>
<p>Office of Undergradute admissions phone number # 1-951-827-3411</p>
<p>Office of Undergraduate admissions fax number #: 951-827-6344
(I THINK that you have to put a 1 in front of he area code… (1-951) i think. not sure; i didn’t send in my fax, my mom did.)</p>
<p>NOTE TO REMEMBER: when you call and they confirm the office of undergraduate admissions has received the fax, they tell you that within 3 days (approx.) your sir will canceled. You’ll know when you check you myucr and the it will notify that you SIR was canceled.
Hope this helped!</p>