Butler Merit Aid

Hello! My daughter just received a merit scholarship of 22k for Butler. She will have her IB diploma, a weighted GPA of 4.25 and ACT of 32. However, she submitted her ACT scores after her application was already under review so was told it won’t count. I am wondering if we can negotiate for more merit aid using her ACT score. Does anyone know how much merit aid they will give? She got an offer of 42k per year from Kalamazoo and a similar amount from Ohio Wesleyan. Butler and Denison are at the top of her list so hoping for more merit aid.

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DS recently got his offer for the same amount. That is at the top of their range.

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According to their website $24k is max. $42k at a great school like Kalamazoo is strong. !! And their max. Good for your student.


Thank you. She really liked Kzoo but we are both concerned about the crime rate and homelessness population in the area. Trying to decide what to do!

Can you afford Butler ? Are you willing to pay? K is in a city so you have city issues. Have you talked to the school about your concerns ? What do they say about safety ?

Did she like Ohio Wesleyan?

Sounds like she has choices. That’s great.

We can afford it but not sure we are willing to pay. We love the area it’s in much more than K though. But yes she has options for which we are very grateful. Thank you for your help.

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Lots of us like that. Can, but don’t want to afford. Glad you have options. Good luck. Let us know where you end up.

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My daughter also received the 22k. Still comes out to more $ than some of her other choices, but Butler has an excellent program for what she wants to study so I think she’s leaning towards it for now.


FYI, my son received 23K from Butler with a 33 ACT and 1490 SAT.

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Congrats! My DD23 received 25K/year. I haven’t seen any above that, so I’m not sure how much more than 22K you’d be able to get. But, it’s worth asking if they would reconsider the amount.

My DS22 is a freshman at Ohio Wesleyan and absolutely loves it there. I have been amazed by the support that he has received from his professors, advisor and the STEM career center. Good luck to your daughter in making a decision.