Buying computer through Smith ITS

<p>Missed BJM's last post: the cable connection to their room was crappy and neither one had the time/energy to pursue it.</p>

<p>SS, my D uses the backpack type of laptop carrier. Going through airport security, etc., she has the laptop on her back, horn case in one hand, purse & ticket confirmation in her other. Don't ask for an autograph at such times.</p>

<p>Mine has just switched from backpack to over-the-shoulder. The backpack didn't hold enough extra to make it worthwhile. In addition, since she has a rolling suitcase for getting on planes, she can just stick the computer, with the messenger bag, right into the suitcase, and get onto the plane with suitcase and violin, without checking anything.</p>

<p>I have a backpack which seems to work well.</p>

<p>But speaking of musical instruments, I have a Martin guitar that I've never checked when I travel (well over 20 flights). When I came home last month, American gave me a really hard time at the gate about wanting to check it. They said that the FAA has recently changed regulations to enforce the "one carry-on rule" and that they were going to have to begin not allowing those with a backpack to carry on an instrument. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep carrying it on to the plane, but I'm getting a special traveling case this summer, so that I won't have to worry about it so much if they make me check it.</p>

<p>I use one of the Timbuktu Young Professional laptop briefcase thingies for my computer and school bag. It's a shoulder bag made for young females with laptops. They're really cute and just as sturdy as the famous Timbuktu messenger bags. </p>

<p>I might also reccomend though, as a better choice, to just buy a cushioned laptop sleeve for your computer. THat way you can slip it into your backpack or tote or any other bag you want to carry that day, without worrying about it getting damaged. My computer suffered a few bumps and bruises from being carried unprotected in a bag that wasn't my laptop bag this year.</p>

<p>Laurel, there's a letter from the TSA to one of the professonal musicians' organizations affirming the right of musicians to carry on an instrument in addition to their one carry on. </p>

<p>D carries her horn case very assertively and is occasionally challenged to the point of "Are you sure this doesn't fit in the overhead?" but has never ultimately had any problem. They generally stow it on the floor of the garment bag closet in First Class.</p>

<p>As a strategy I would recommend a) looking cute and b) being assertive, in that order. Okay, so option A may be excessively pragmatic but the $5K horn has never been checked.</p>

<p>Yeah, I've traveled with my guitar for years and never checked it. They said this is something new mandated by the FAA -- hope that they were wrong.</p>

<p>Back to the computer info: Purchased ours today. Latitude 620, Smithpack, flash drive (free), backpack (free). shipping (free). Coverage for all four years. Buy from Smith!</p>

<p>this new dell that smith is offering looks really good. i've been shopping for one and was almost about to buy the sony vaio one... looks like i have to rethink this one. does smith offer new computers every year? what model were they offering last year?</p>

<p>Have no idea what they offered last year, perhaps other parents know. This year's deal is pretty good because of the extras and free shipping. Four year coverage with purchase is what sold us, though.</p>

<p>BJM8 - if we want wireless internet options at smith, do we have to purchase any other software/cards through smith? or in other words, if we happen to purchase one of smith's computers, will we able to connect to the internet once we go there without doing anything else?</p>

<p>sorry, i really don't know anything about computers, so i'm a little confused about the whole getting wireless internet thing.</p>

<p>'re all set with the setup provided. The computer includes a Centrino processor, which is wireless accessible. It also has an ethernet card for the Smith connection. Remember, however, that not ALL of Smith is wireless. Only certain spots and buildings for now. Last time we visited, they mentioned that their hope was to be completely wireless within a couple more years.</p>

<p>thanks, much appreciated bjm8 :-)</p>

<p>Thanks for all the bag advise! Next question - have the computer shipped to your home or pick up at school when we arrive on campus?</p>

<p>If you're driving to campus and have room, I would have it shipped. Otherwise, you'll already have a ton of things to take with you and shipping charges add up very quickly.</p>

<p>Our D already had hers delivered to our home yesterday. Quick service from Smith I might add. Already busy loading it with programs from the ipod. We're pretty happy with the deal. Of course we live only 1 1/2 hours from Smith, so travelling to and fro is not much of a problem for us. Also, remember that shipping is free up until a certain date.</p>

<p>"Music from iPod" seems to be the primary universal support program.</p>

<p>Bolstered by intra-House network sharing.</p>

<p>I purchased a laptop from Smith for my first year D last year about this time. Faxed the order in and in about two days recd the pc. You cant beat the warranty. A lot of students use this program. My D left power cord in library one night. Fortunately they had many to replace it. Imagine the hassle of getting a replacement for a "off premises" machine. Get the pc before she goes off to school. Get familar with the computer and any software she already has to be loaded.</p>

<p>I agree Lawinbrief: Getting familiar with the pc is important, especially since my D never had a laptop, only desktop. There really is a big difference in how to manuever the darn thing. Although, I must say she has caught on rather quickly :)
TD, I love the idea of intra-house music sharing. ;)</p>

<p>yeah intra house sharing, via OurTunes mostly, is sort of a Smith College staple tradition. The only problem is, after awhile everyone's music collections start to inbreed and begin to look the same (it's kind of like our music files are one big appallachian family). So we try to pump in some new blood now and again. I left for college with about 17 hours of music, and thanks to intra house sharing I now have 10 days 8 hours 37 minutes and 26 seconds of tune filled goodness.</p>

<p> guys are gonna fill your new puters with nothing but music. :eek:</p>