Buying international books?

<p>hi i am a newly transfer student and i was wondering if buying international books for my classes is a good idea?? it says the books are exactly the same but are soft cover and are made of cheaper material..... should i buy these kinds of books because there so much cheaper?? if any body has experience with this can you shed some light.. thanks</p>

<p>Not the same school but - I just bought an international version of accounting text book - waiting with some trepidation to get it. The instructor had no experience with international versions so did not know if it was the same. I will post back after I receive it and compare it to the US version. I also had a previous version of an economics text book (given to me by someone who used it last year as the school would not buy it back) which the instructor said would be fine for the class. I asked the stats instructor about using the previous version of a stats book (much cheaper on the internet than the current version) and she said the content was much the same but the homework questions were not. The history teacher said the previous version would work but I would be better off with the new version.</p>

<p>I think it really depends a lot on the books you’re buying.
For example, I know that the international calculus book has different problems than the US editions although their contents are the same.
But, for some other books, I didn’t have any problem at all.
A lot of my physics books have been internationals, and they’ve been the same.
So, check whether the international book and the US edition are the same first before buying the int’l one. If there’s some differences and you can live with it, go ahead and buy the int’l one.
If the differences is not that much, you can always check out the US edition from the library and make some changes on your book.</p>